View Full Version : Hangover :(

14-07-20, 09:46
Hi all,

It’s been a while! I hope everyone is doing okay in the current climate.

I’m looking for some tips from like minded people really.

Stupidly had a few pints last night for the first time in probably 2/3 years even though I swear I get the worst hangovers known to man!

Anxiety is going crazy, head is banging, keep being sick and feeling very weak. I know from previous experience the worst of this will be over by this evening but wondered if anyone had any top tips to keep me going until then?

Thanks in advance!


14-07-20, 09:49
Lots of fluids, paracetamol if you can keep it down, then make yourself a nest in bed or on the couch and binge-watch guilty pleasure TV with the volume turned down low.

14-07-20, 09:54
Thank you Blue :) tried paracetamol a few hours ago but didn’t stay down so a bit reluctant to try again lol do I not really need to worry about food? Just keep drinking water?

14-07-20, 10:06
Water's good, if you can flatten some ginger beer that'd be brilliant.

14-07-20, 23:14
Nothing you can really do apart from drink water.

If you have any, put some electrolytes in it, failing that put 1/2 teaspoon of salt in about 500ml of water once or twice a day.

If you can't eat, don't worry about eating. Your body is more than capable of going a few hours without food.