View Full Version : My first visit....

Sarah Lou
23-10-07, 22:48

I found this site a few days ago and have spent some time familiarising myself with it before saying hello for the first time, and I actually feel kinda nervous now!
Anyway, I suffer health anxiety (linked to depression), and it is a nightmare in only it's mildest forms!

I started to suffer the symptons of health anxiety at the age of 15, after I was sexually abused. This continued until the age of 32, when things changed considerably. From 15, although I worried excessively about certain health issues, I was always able to get back on track by discussing the issues with my Mum or by avoiding whatever I thought would exacerbate a particular condition, however, post natal depression after the birth of my first Son (at age 32) sent me spiralling into an unknown world of panic attacks/obsessive thoughts and anxieties I couldn't control! The panic attacks were horrendous and frightening and would put me in bed sometimes for a couple of days at a time, but slowly I learnt to control them and can happily say that I don't suffer panic attacks anymore although I do suffer anxiety attacks, which are quite different for me. With the panic attacks I learnt to control the physical symptons and eventually could stop an attack before it started by recognising the first signs, but with health anxiety I just cannot apply the same logic! I still have physical symptons but whereas the symptons of a panic attack would have a start, middle and end, the symptons of health anxiety stay with me for weeks at a time, even months! I thinks the difference is that I learnt to recognise a panic attack for what it was and knew it would eventually pass, but with health anxiety I never REALLY know whether it's in my head or whether I really am ill, and that freaks me out!
I think the deep seated reason for my health anxiety is my fear of getting ill and leaving my children, as they are my whole world, but why I think like this I just don't know??

It was a joy to stumble upon this site, and reading all your stories makes me feel less alone, and for that I am grateful.

Sarah Lou :blush:

23-10-07, 22:52
hi i have panic attacks and i have PTSD

23-10-07, 23:02
A warm welcome to you:D

Luv Kaz x x x

23-10-07, 23:48
welcome sarah lou! i'm a newbie as well. just joined today and i've already looked the whole site over and i already feel the pain in my chest getting a little better knowing that i'm not alone, when i thought that i was going crazy and loosing control.

24-10-07, 00:48
Hello Sarah And Welcome To The Site......linda

Sarah Lou
24-10-07, 14:13
Thanks for your welcomes guys, they are much appreciated.
It's good to know that when I get one of my moments, I now have somewhere to go instead of trying to fight it on my own! :)

Pink Panic
24-10-07, 14:33
Hi Sarah :)

Welcome :hugs:

I'm quite new too but this site is great. You are certainly not alone any more.


24-10-07, 15:07
Welcome Sarah,

Hope you enjoy your stay.
Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better

24-10-07, 17:41
hi sarah welcome to site it does help to no your not alone i suffer health anxiety and think the same as you frighten of leaving my kids u tcxxxx hope the site helps you hun xxxx

24-10-07, 17:53
Hi Sarah Lou
I just joined yesterday ! I totally understand what you are going through. In my case I have become very concerned about ill health and death since my mum died earlier this year. I worry about things I never used to worry about like a simple headache. I also worry about leaving my beautiful son behind. Hugs xxx

24-10-07, 18:09
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the site. You will be amazed at how many others feel the same way as you. The support you will receive will help.



24-10-07, 18:49
Hi Sarah Lou

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and thanks for the imformative first post.

Hope we can be of some help.

Have you tried CBT for the Health Anxiety - it is the recommended therapy?

24-10-07, 19:00
Hi Sarah Lou

A BIG warm welcome from me too hun, its lovely to see you here.:)


24-10-07, 21:38
Hi Sarah Lou and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)