View Full Version : neck muscle issues?

14-07-20, 21:58
hi all, i've been having muscle issues in my neck for quite sometime now and it's really been getting me down.

i get really bad muscle spasms in my neck that are constant. they arent usually painful, but they're uncomfortable. this might be an irrational fear but im afraid that my neck muscles are going to snap, or my cervical spine is in the wrong place. or, my neck will lock up somehow. there's a lot of fear and uncertainty and that's really been doing a number on my anxiety and i think it might be making it worse than what it actually is. i have a doctor's appt in a few days to sort things out and im anxious.

if there's any reassurance that can be given, i would be so thankful ;;

15-07-20, 00:59
I have tight muscles in my neck for as long as I can remember and it definitely sounds similar to what I have. Postural strains and stress was the cause for me. Some days I never wanted to move my neck in case it was damaged. I do understand where you're coming from with the anxiety and fear about the spasms. Good luck at your appointment, hope you get it sorted out. Definitely sounds like tight muscles in the neck. Allso I think the stress and anxiety are making your spasms worse too.

15-07-20, 01:59
my spasms do get worse with my anxiety, and i have notoriously bad posture, lol
it makes me feel better knowing that someone knows how it feels and the anxiety behind it ;; thank you

30-07-20, 20:56
so i went to the doctor about it, and he gave me a shot of a steroid, and also tramadol.
i've been reading up on tramadol and it's been scaring me. i think that's just the anxiety but im not sure. i feel a bit off (no pain or anything, just a feeling of being off). i think that's just anxiety, also i havent eaten anything yet today. my stomach hurts, but i can tell those are just hunger pangs. maybe once i eat something, ill feel a bit better.
if im still in pain, i can come back tomorrow, but either way i have another appt in two weeks. if there's still an issue, then we have to x-ray it. i kinda wish the x-ray would've been the first option, but i digress,
now im just trying to relax and let the medicine work its magic. terrified about how my heart will do on it, but again, that's just anxiety for you.

31-07-20, 02:04
so i went to the doctor about it, and he gave me a shot of a steroid, and also tramadol.
i've been reading up on tramadol and it's been scaring me. i think that's just the anxiety but im not sure. i feel a bit off (no pain or anything, just a feeling of being off). i think that's just anxiety, also i havent eaten anything yet today. my stomach hurts, but i can tell those are just hunger pangs. maybe once i eat something, ill feel a bit better.
if im still in pain, i can come back tomorrow, but either way i have another appt in two weeks. if there's still an issue, then we have to x-ray it. i kinda wish the x-ray would've been the first option, but i digress,
now im just trying to relax and let the medicine work its magic. terrified about how my heart will do on it, but again, that's just anxiety for you.

oh my god i am so silly, they gave me TORADOL instead of tramadol. my bad, they're so similar in name i got them mixed up

31-07-20, 15:34
Check out the posture pump, it's not cheap but it has made a world of difference in my neck and my son's

05-08-22, 22:24
You need to see a doctor and have a consultation about your neck pain. I can tell you from experience that it may be related to exercise. You may be trying to lose weight, which is affecting your health; you should choose supplements to help burn fat and build muscle mass. This site is the best place to buy MK-677 (https://purerawz.co/product/ibutamoren-mk-677/). This supplement helped me get a perfect body shape without any side effects. So if your overweight problem is your neck, I highly recommend it.