View Full Version : Anyone else experience non stop bleeding

16-07-20, 08:39
Has anyone else experienced a period bleeding for over a month?.
My periods have been all over the place since Jan. I hadn't had a period for 6 weeks before this bleeding.
Bleeding at ovulation, cycle length is different each month, stopping and starting, period length is longer and shorter and now this.
Had Transvaginal scan in April, which was normal.
I was put on Cerazette to help bleeding, but it hasn't.
Spoke to doctor, not concerned, have a gynae appt at sometime in the future.
Terrified its cancer. Bleeding seems to get redder and slightly more every week. I've started needing a pad now. Have at least 2 medium sized clots a day. Always red blood when wiping.
4 GPs not concerned, sonographer said uterus looked healthy.

16-07-20, 11:05
I’ve had spirting every day which is how I discovered I had a cyst. But seeing as though you’ve had a TVUS then that rules that out.
I think you have to take heart from the fact that no-one is overly concerned & that the gynaecologist will be able to help sort this out.
I know it’s worrying though, I really do. I’ve been through something similar before and am again at the moment. Please keep talking to us if it helps.

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16-07-20, 13:00
Thank you for your reply. The GPs wont give me another scan, just tell me to wait for gynae appt.
My periods were all over the place so not sure how they worked out womb thickness was ok, it was 10mm. I was scanned on day 14 of a 23 day cycle. My periods were all over the place. Again they dont seem to care. The sonographer said lining etc looked healthy and same consistency/thickness all over. No fibroids/polyps etc. No obvious cause for bleeding. No fluid.
I've convinced myself I have stage 4 womb cancer and am dying. Although logically they would see a tumour on the scan at that stage.
Now my symptoms have changed, why wont they give me another scan?
They keep saying I have to sort out my mental health, but I cant with this bleeding.

16-07-20, 16:21
I understand, it’s really tough. How long have you been waiting for a gynaecologist appt?

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16-07-20, 22:10
I have ! My last period went on for 28 days (broke my previous record of 21 days lol) - prior to that I had no bleeding for 8-9 weeks. Everything you talk about Brizzle I have experienced too and even more irregularity than you describe here :( Heading to menopause is no joke for some women, there are the lucky few for whom periods just stop and then there are those who have miserable irregular and scary experiences. I can totally understand. It is the ever-changing nature of those little internal hormonal tweaks that cause the most bizzare 'cycles'. I call them cycles, but its worth remembering that they aren't proper cycles any more, they are infact the hormones varying wildly, ovaries clapping out and non-ovulation.

18-07-20, 15:49
God knows when my gynae appt is. Still bleeding, really dont think this going to stop. Really scared it's something bad bleeding. Thanks for repliex

18-07-20, 21:47
The GP can give you hormonal medication to stop the bleeding, but to reassure you I have heard of women have many weeks during perimenopause of on and off bleeding.

22-07-20, 04:30
I had this in my mid twenties, so it was unrelated to menopause or peri menopause. The doc couldn’t find a cause. My hormone levels were normal and my ultrasound was clear. No cause was found except a fibroid, however they said the fibroid wouldn’t cause the kind of bleeding I had. My bleeding was off and on for almost 8 months. It was awful. I wore panty liners and pads everyday. Some days it was just spotting, other days it was quite a lot of blood. But anyway, I guess these things happen sometimes and there doesn’t have to be a serious cause for it. Even though my hormone levels were within the normal range I think they were slightly out of whack for me. Hormones are a delicate issue and I don’t think we know enough about hormonal balances and imbalances.

I started taking vitex tablets for my imbalance and it did fix my bleeding issue. Vitex is a natural supplement so you don’t need a prescription for it. I took Vitex for almost 4 months before it worked completely. I noticed a difference within the first week and my menstrual cycle normalized for a bit but I still had breakthrough bleeding. It was quite remarkable how well it worked. However since I’m not a medical professional I don’t want to advise that you take anything unless If you have done your research or spoken to your doc :) I know this was a super long answer but I was literally in the same boat as you so I *had* to help! :)

22-07-20, 14:20
Thanks for reply. I haven't taken my Cerazette for the last 3 days and the bleeding has gone down but not stopped. No longer showing on pad etc. I'm now worried if it doesn't stop off the pill it means I've got something sinister going on.
My GP actually emailed a consultant at the hospital after I had my scan in April, about my erratic bleeding( not the bleeding I'm having now). He said my lining might be slightly thick by a couple of mm, but that would make sense if I'm not having proper periods. Otherwise he wasnt concerned. He said gynae would see me to put my mind ar rest, not an urgent appt, more for my mental state.
I am trying very hard to get on with stuff, but in the back of my head I've convinced myself I've got terminal womb cancer. The GP said it would have been seen on the scan, as the scan is very precise. The sonographer made a point of saying my uterus was healthy on the scan. I just wish this bloody bleeding would stop.
Appreciate the replies, I have a son and am convinced this time next year I will be dead.
Anyway I'm off to watch Murder She Wrote and take the Guinea pig to the vet.
Thanks again everyone, it's very helpful to let off steam here.

24-07-20, 10:21
Well, bleeding went away last night, back this morning. It has got a lot lighter since stopping Cerazette 5 days ago. But the fact it's still there is worrying me badly. It has to be something else. It's not heavy and I dont have clots. I'm worried my womb lining is building up. Doesn't show on pad, even after a long walk. But surely this consistent bleeding is a sign of something. I dont trust the scan, as I've convinced myself it's wrong.

24-07-20, 12:50
I've known women in perimenopause have bleeding for weeks and months and months, nothing wrong other than hormone imbalance - your GP can prescribe norethisterone and for many women that stops the problem. It could be that your progesterone is too low to 'halt' the bleeding as you had/have cycles without ovulation. I'm sorry you are struggling this way, I know how scary it can be having had weeks like this myself, but it is also a possibility that your stress level is keeping natural progesterone low (as the body makes adrenaline rather than progesterone from the cortisol, when you are stressed). I personally also looked into natural ways to balance things - certain foods like seeds are good for helping the body to naturally increased progesterone, and I also started doing meditation and relaxation exercises daily. They did make a difference.

Menopausematters forum is a good resource for advice on all things hormone. :0)

24-07-20, 13:27
Ok, thank you. All the doctors keep saying my scan is fine and not to worry about it. I'm very worried about the 10mm womb lining. My womb lining looked uniform and healthy. I've been overweight for years, so convinced I've given myself womb cancer. Doctor dismissed this, I'm not diabetic. When I came off Cerazette my bleeding has lessened, it's not heavy.
My GP said if there was something very bad going on, they would see it on the scan. I dont even have fibroids or polyps. Which makes me worry its cancer. Anyway, thanks again.

24-07-20, 13:44
Have a think about what you want the doctor to do and why? Then maybe write it down here, sleep on it over the weekend and decide on Monday whether you want to go ahead with talking to them again.

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24-07-20, 14:03
Brizzle a scan would have shown anything up even minor - and I believe that women in peri generally have thicker womb linings than at usual times in life. 11 mm is considered the benchmark thickness for further checks, and even then they are just checks (like biopsy if relevant) and don't mean there IS endrometrial cancer! You really need to do some work now on 'unconvincing yourself', hence why I recommend the forum specifically for these matters. Even if you just read on there, and don't join, you will get reassurance and other experiences of exactly the same thing (bleeding and normal scan results). Scass gave some good advice there, really think, don't just 'headless chicken' into panic here - do you want to try some hormone meds ? Can you try reducing your stress and anxiety, using various approaches (as I did)? There is no concern about the womb lining, so its not that causing the bleeding, but you could always request a repeat scan in a few months to see where you stand ? I can honestly see why you have these nagging doubts in your head - our whole lives we are taught to look out for certain warning signs and suddenly the goal posts change when you enter the end of the reproductive years and head into erratic territory.

24-07-20, 14:11
I also want to remind you of this post you made in May -

I had a couple of missed periods in Aug/ Sept 2018.
Odd discharge 10 days before period Jan/Feb 2019.
Have had bleeding in March/April. Starts 12 days before period.
Had transvaginal scan in April, 10mm thickness, no fluid, ovaries grossly normal, womb lining same thickness and consistency all over, womb lining looks healthy. No fibroids/polyps. No obvious cause for bleeding or other.
I am convinced I have womb cancer, since my missed periods.
Sonographer not worried, 3 GPs not worried. Said after this time, something would have shown up. Blood tests normal, including menopause test.
I have been put on Cerazette for irregular bleeding, I have had no bleeding since I started the tablet earlier this month. Doctor thinks hormones and perimenopause. She discussed it with colleagues and thinks I need a very mild tablet to help with progesterone.
I feel better as well. Night sweats better, sleeping better with quite vivid dreams, joint ache better, libido slowly returning, insane anxiety calmed down. I've had these symptoms since my missed periods.
I have a slight watery discharge at the moment, which is a new worry.
Is it good the bleeding has stopped pretty much straight away?
Really losing the will to get up in the morning. Thank you.
I've also developed a cough and convinced it metastatic cancer in lungs.

So, 3 GPs have said that you are peri (incidentally I hadn't even read this thread before I KNEW you were in peri and heading to meno like myself!). Everything you talk about, and more, you will find women are experiencing just like yourself whilst going through 'the change'. Its not called 'the change' for nothing ! ;) It is not cycles anymore, so you can cast aside the thought of 'a period' in the usual fashion, cycles are no longer a cycle, it is irregular bleeding now.

31-07-20, 08:46
Well, after about 10 days of bleeding going down to almost nothing, its returned. Watery very red blood. Phoned doctor again, said she would email gynae. Said she couldn't magic appointment out of thin air.
I've given up with this, no one is listening. This cant not be sinister, it's not possible.

31-07-20, 13:03
Have you read anything on the site I recommended ?

31-07-20, 13:31
It really CAN be nothing sinister! And in fact as you’ve had all the relevant checks it is very unlikely that it’s anything other than an annoyance.

I’ve had plenty of bleeding I thought would never end, it’s so common as we age and get closer to ‘the change’ too, I’m unfortunately no where near that point myself yet, but I remember my mum going through it.

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02-08-20, 11:12
Finally got a gynae appt for 24th August at 11.20 am. Terrified about what they will say, but glad I dont have to wait in limbo. Thanks to all the replies so far, very kind.

05-08-20, 13:33
Bleeding has been gone for 3 days. Just have a white discharge now, probably thrush. Have a pain in right side. Worried about gynae appt. At least bleeding has stopped. No idea if that was the pill or my body. But something must be working ok for the bleeding to stop on it's own. Bit of a coincidence it stopped after I stopped the Cerazette pill. I've been fat for years, if I have got cancer it's my fault. No need to reply, just feeling sorry for myself.

05-08-20, 20:22
Oh Brizzle, I’m sorry that you’re blaming all of this on yourself. Things happen ok? I had a cyst on my ovary and it wasn’t my fault, but I probably felt much like you did too.
Not long to wait, it’s good the bleeding has stopped too.
Think happy thoughts x

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10-08-20, 22:23
Bleeding has been gone for 3 days. Just have a white discharge now, probably thrush. Have a pain in right side. Worried about gynae appt. At least bleeding has stopped. No idea if that was the pill or my body. But something must be working ok for the bleeding to stop on it's own. Bit of a coincidence it stopped after I stopped the Cerazette pill. I've been fat for years, if I have got cancer it's my fault. No need to reply, just feeling sorry for myself.

As soon as I read you were prescribed cerazette for irregular bleeding I thought that’s strange because years ago the dr prescribed me cerazette for birth control (I had tried combined pill but came off it due to side effects), before taking cerazette I had regular 28 day cycle no bleeding between, then whilst taking cerazette I was bleeding on average 3 weeks out 4, not heavy bleeding but it was enough for me to stop taking it after a few months, then my periods went back to normal. I know not the same situation as yours and I’m not a doctor but from my experience I would say cerazette would be making it worse. (I know you have since come off it).

I too have been having womb cancer fears recently, I had an ultrasound to investigate period pain issues (pain starting 10 or 11 days before period) and they found a couple of polyps, my gp then referred me to see a specialist on an urgent basis (2 week referral) as I had a small amount of brown discharge mid cycle a few times over the past 6 months. I’ve been panicking because I read that a small minority of polyps (between 1 - 5% I think) are cancerous or pre cancerous. I had the polyps removed on Thursday and now waiting on the biopsy results

12-08-20, 19:43
Thank you for your reply. I know a couple of women who have suffered with bleeding on Cerazette.
I've had some brown stuff, tiny bit, come out today, so worried about that.
Also had a letter today, that says my gynae appt this month has been changed a to telephone one. I'm really upset. Thought I was seeing a gynaecologist and maybe having a scan.
My scan was considered normal. 10mm womb lining, no fluid, no fibroids or polyps, same thickness all round, homogenous(uniform) lining. They couldn't find my left ovary, only my right. I only get symptoms on my right though, so wondering whether left ovary has packed up.
Hope you have your results soon. I'm sure they will be fine, it's very rare for polyps to be malignant. Let us know how you get on
Thanks again.