View Full Version : Really struggling with physical symptoms 😞

16-07-20, 08:51
Hello everyone,

I was coping okay at the beginning of lockdown, but over the past couple of weeks things have gotten really bad.

It actually started in January this year when I had a stomach virus that caused nausea and dizziness, unlike anything I’ve experienced before. It lasted about four weeks, but since then I’ve been left with anxiety on and off over feeling sick/dizzy/weak.

On Tuesday this week I came the closest I’ve ever been to having a panic attack - I just felt so sick, couldn’t breathe properly and had to go and sit in bed for an hour until it passed.

I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m going to pass out, be sick or have a panic attack. On top of this I feel so tired constantly and have had the occasional headache. My symptoms are:
- feeling sick, including struggling to eat
- a tight feeling in my chest and throat
- shaking when either of the above happens and my anxiety gets really bad
- tiredness and headaches

I’ve suffered with health anxiety on and off for five years, but this has by far been the worst period as I’ve been fixated on these feelings on and off since January. Before it’s only ever been a couple of weeks focusing on one thing.

I’m posting as I could really do with some advice on how to overcome the physical symptoms of anxiety?

Thanks xx

16-07-20, 21:18
hi l am sorry to hear your not good at the moment l'm not too good myself like many others its not helping with the way things are with coronavirus

you need to take your mind away from your symptoms because as you probably know the more attention you give it the longer it will stay

Try some breathing techniques and download some mindfulness music it can really help, also speak to your gp see what they advise can't hurt take time to relax as well xx

best wishes xx

26-07-20, 08:58
Thanks for your reply 🥰