View Full Version : Is this a panic attack

17-07-20, 00:32
hi I'm 41 male 5.3 did weight 9.5st but no appite for last week and half every time I eat I come over very hot feel very jittery hand and feet sweat .im worried I have diabetes so did home test my levels go from 4.7 up to 6.6 . I have rang doc but can't get a face to face due to pandemic. I'm on my 3rd day of citalopram 20mg I do suffer from Heath anxiety .

17-07-20, 04:55
Hi James,
Do you any fear about eating?
Your levels sound ok to me.
Maybe it’s something you should discuss with your doctor as it might be related to the medicine?

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17-07-20, 15:15
Hi James l get like that when my anxiety is bad but l also agree with scass could be your meds as you are only just starting them if you get no improvement at least have a chat with your doctor take care

best wishes xx