View Full Version : Itching around sleep time

17-07-20, 14:03
Hi guys. New here so be gentle!

I'm a chronic worrier with many, many health obsessions. Have been a hypochondriac for years.

My new symptom is so alarming that I decided I needed to post: madenning itching at night.

It always follows the same pattern - a bit itchy as I'm falling asleep, wake up around one and itch myself awake until about four or five. I doubt it's bed bugs as my partner is fine, and I seem to get it on the floor too, which I tried the other day.

I've had itchiness at night before but never like this. Obviously really worried it's something sinister. My partner reckons I'm just really focused on it and quite anxious atm due to covid and being on furlough. I also heard weather changes can do this? I'm not a particularly sweaty person.

Any reassurance or similar stories would be helpful. :)

EDIT: Just noticed she's switched laundry tabs but the bedding was washed with the usual stuff!


17-07-20, 17:34
Hello and welcome,

I think that’s a common anxiety symptom and often happens to me too. Your partner is probably partially right too! Could you get a non scented moisturiser and start using that before bed too? Perhaps the actions will soothe you as well as your skin.

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18-07-20, 13:32
You could try taking an antihistamine tablet as it could settle the itchiness. If you get over heated, it can cause some generalised itching.
If you have any underlying autoimmune issues it could be a bit of peripheral neuropathy, I get this sometimes.