View Full Version : A cure for symptoms?

23-10-07, 23:49
So often we look for a cure for symptoms such as panic, tingling, breathing etc with medications because the symptoms sidetrack and mask the real causes that create our symptoms.

We're NOT ill; It's our fears or pressures in our lives and the way we react to them in our thinking that make us "feel ill". We feel trapped by fear. We feel there's no escape so we Panic!

When I look back, I can identify how all my problems began and I found that knowing gave me a better understanding so I could tackle how I reacted and could plan a course of action to get my life back.

When I suffered OCD, my mind was taken up by intrusive thoughts which in turn were based on health fears. These health fears originated from my childhood when I lost my grandfathers and a good school friend at a very young age. I asked my mother where illness comes from and she told me from dirt so toilet phobia began based on germs.

I've always been sensitive and a worrier. I was bullied at school. I lacked confidence so I've always had a general anxiety.

When pressures at home and work became too much, I felt trapped because I could see no escape so I suffered panics.

I was given medications which eased my nerves. However, once I identified my actual causes and realised where they came from, I either got help through a psychologist or tackled them myself.

These days I'm far better than I used to be and I'm able to cope.:winks: