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View Full Version : Please help me guys.....what’s wrong with me 😔

17-07-20, 21:53
Hi all

I am in need of some help I am really struggling with quite a few things but everything is all over the place because of my HA

I have had a bad few weeks around 6/8 now with panic attacks anxiety and a whole load of symptoms that scare me stiff

I keep crying all my family know( hubby,3 grown daughters and 18 yr old son with Autism)
I have spoke to my doctor loads only been to see her once because I was so scared it was my heart I begged her to see me other than that it’s been on the phone

I have pain in my left shoulder that I think is a impending heart attack I get chest tightness the top of my chest just below my neck feels like it’s burning my arms ache again I think this is a heart attack I get little niggle pains in my chest that last less than a second but long enough to start a panic attack

My neck and top of my back are stiff and painful I can’t find anything to relief it my jaw hurts feels stiff sometime my ears feel blocked and sore my knees ache

Every now and then I just come over with a weird feeling like in the next few seconds something is definitely going to happen I picture myself collapse paramedics coming (I have a real bad fear of hospitals)

I have ibs fibromyalgia under active thyroid and HA apart from blood tests I haven’t had any other tests nothing on my heart my bowels my muscles I could have anything for all I know but the thought of being referred to the hospital for tests is so so terrifying for me I don’t know how I would cope but at the same time given the fact that I have had no tests how can the doctors know I don’t have something nasty going on?

I have a blood test scheduled for Monday doc is checking my hormones (I’m 47) making sore this isn’t the change I am going to be petrified all next week in case I get a phone call but as much as I don’t want one what answers do I have if they all come back normal?

I want to feel better I want to go back to work and put this bad episode behind me this has been so much worse than any other time I am constantly scared

Thanks for reading I would appreciate any help at all 😔

17-07-20, 23:11
Hi Caz, ask your Dr for a troponin test. That will tell you if you heart has any issues. Not sure if he will do it as it’s usually done whilst in hospital and you are kept in. I’ve had a heart attack and rest assured the symptoms are so not like portrayed on TV etc. Take care and best wishes.

18-07-20, 11:56
Hi Mightypc

Thanks so much for your reply

I will ask my gp if she would consider that test and will let you know what she says

From what I have described do you think I am at risk then?

Thanks so much

18-07-20, 14:09
Hi Caz, there are signs that indicate ones heart is in trouble - you are no bearing any of these.

I’m not a Dr and do not know your risk factors, family history, smoking, alcohol weight, diet, exercise etc, but think what you are describing could be reflux.

I think you will be fine. Try and calm things down in your mind and take things easy.

Good luck Caz and stay calm and positive.

18-07-20, 14:40
Hi Mightypc

Thanks so much again for your reply

I have done a lot to try and lower my risk in the past 5 years I used to smoke I quit 5 years ago in Oct I do use a E-cig

I have lost 8 stone in the last 3 years on slimming world so I was over weight for a few years

My doctor is very pleased with all the work I have done and is always telling me to remember how big a difference I have made to my health doing what I have

I guess I’m scared it’s too little too late and the damage is already done probably a silly fear really but very real

Thanks again for your reply it really does mean alot


18-07-20, 17:40
Well done to you! You should be extremely proud of your achievement. I would ask your GP to check your cholesterol and Triglycerides too.

Vitamin D along with K2 is very good for clearing calcium deposits, so I was told the other week.

Take care and good luck at your appointment.

19-07-20, 17:11

Not had a good day today

I have my blood test appt tomorrow and I’m scared for the results even before I’ve had it not only if they show something wrong but if they don’t how do I get rid of this if it all just “in my head”

I don’t know if I’m on the change have something seriously wrong or just batsh*t crazy

I am thinking of ringing in the morning my appt is at 10.10am and begging the doc to see me after to check my neck back and chest muscles to hopefully put my mind at rest

But I am going to get to the stage where the doctor says what do you want me to do and I don’t know I don’t really want to go on tablets because 1 I am my sons carer and 2 the thought of how I am feeling getting worse while they kick in scares me to death

I am on amitriptaline for my fibromyalgia I have upped that on advice of my doctor then I read on here about them possibly affecting your heart and lost it again only took 2 last night instead of the 3 she told me to she’s going to end up thinking I am just looking for obstacles for every suggestion

I have had 2 sessions with a therapist both were revolved around my childhood I’m 47 I feel like my childhood isn’t the reason I am this way I also don’t feel I am like this because my mam died it started after my mam died but I don’t feel like it’s the reason

All I want is obviously good health for as long as possible but to have a normal human response to any test or procedure the health professionals think I need instead of this crippling fear that if I get referred to a hospital or have a blood test they are definitely going to find something nasty

I will try and see my doc tomorrow if she agrees to see me and hopefully I will feel better I already know next week will be horrendous because I will be hoping and praying the docs don’t ring me because my blood shows something 😩

Thanks guys

20-07-20, 12:20
Hi all

Been for my blood test today all I have to do now is get through the week not worrying about the results

The doctor agreed to see me this time she checked my lungs and put that thing on my finger she said my heart rate and oxygen levels were perfect so that encouraging

She told me from her perspective everything is fine and as it should be but that she understands these feelings are very real

With regards to my blood tests she has checked for everything she said including my hormones to see if I’m starting the change 😬

I feel better as I always do when I’ve had reassurance I am going to try and keep my thoughts positive I know she wouldn’t tell me everything seems fine if it wasn’t

I need to move on from this get back to work try and make it through this pandemic without all this extra pressure

I hope I can do it

Thanks guys

21-07-20, 05:07
Hi Caz, not sure where you are in the country but I recently had an extensive list of bloods done at 11am ish and received the results from my GP at 18:00 ish. These were not put down as urgent either. Good luck, I’m sure everything will be clear and please let’s us know how you get on.

21-07-20, 08:34
Living with responsibility and being a carer can really exacerbate HA, Caz. I'd advise keeping away from Dr Google and trusting your GP. You'll get your blood test results soon but if they are fine please just accept the good news and don't move onto "what if" territory? You can have too many tests-tests which are not clinically necessary but your GP is just trying to reassure you which of course will not happen with HA.

Autism is complex and a challenge to live with. You take care of yourself and your HA xx