View Full Version : Panic attacks when I bang my head

18-07-20, 21:45
So I just bumped my head fairly hard against a table when I was lifting my head up.

Ever since I got an actual mild concussion about two years ago I've had an intense fear of head trauma, any kind of bump makes me really anxious.

I'll probably get a headache later and I hate hurting my head and my anxiety kicked off again and I just really didn't want to deal with this today AGH

18-07-20, 22:41
I was trying to google "why does it hurt more when you bang your head compared to when you bang into something with a limb" (because if I had hurt my arm instead, the pain would have disappeared by now, but my head is just starting to feel worse - I wanted to know why that was).
But anyway all I got were scary articles about how you can get brain damage just from minor injuries and now I'm trying not to cry or panic hahah..

18-07-20, 23:07
Aww! I can empathize. I’ve had the same thing happen to me a few times. All three times the top of my head hit the bottom edge of a cabinet. Sometimes while cooking I will have my spice cabinet and crockery cabinet open. While bending to get my crockery I have banged my head against the open edge of the spice cabinet. It sucked and I panicked a bit too. But I’m fine :) And you will be too!

18-07-20, 23:21
Think logically. Boxers, rugby players, martial artists, American football players, ice hockey players would be in a right old mess if we were that fragile. Ok it isnt ideal to bang your head but I assume it doesnt happen all that often. Probably your arm wouldnt hurt as much because you wouldnt be thinking too much about it.

18-07-20, 23:31
Thank you guys, you're both right, I have to really force myself to just try ignore it, if I focus too much on the pain then I can quickly make myself panic.

19-07-20, 00:06
I personally find that if I try and ignore something, I think about it more. I find it better to just accept the current sensations rather than ignore it. Might not work for you but thought I would mention it just incase it helps you.

19-07-20, 16:37
Thank you Pav

Today my head feels okay but I have a stiff neck/shoulders and horrible back pain. I'm also getting random bouts of sharp pain around my chest, I don't know why that could be happening.

I think I gave myself whiplash when I hurt myself. Better than having a headache but very uncomfortable. I told my mother and she said my back pain is a coincidence even though I did no exercise yesterday and the pain started shortly after I hit my head. She made me feel a bit upset because why else would my back feel so horrible all of a sudden.

Anyway I'm just hoping the pain goes away soon. Part of my anxiety when I hurt my head is to do with fears of head trauma, the other thing I get anxious about it is the pain afterwards. I almost always get a headache for a week or whiplash that hurts for two weeks. Some people seem to hit their head hard and feel fine the next day, so now I'm just thinking about if the way my body reacts is not normal.