View Full Version : havinga hard time accepting uncertainty having the urge to keep re watching tv scene

19-07-20, 02:50
So i've had this issue before and never really been able to get to the bottom of it but this last few days It's completely taken me out I'm mentally exhausted and have felt physically sick a few times. So first of all I don't really want to tag my self as having OCD even though i feel as it shares the same tendencies but it's not really constant it's just every now and then.
Basically some times when i watch something a tv show,movie I'm invested in and sometimes even something on a website,i have this overwhelmingly huge urge to go back and re read, re watch it to know exactly what happened i just have the urge to know this is a big problem because i end up going back allot sometimes and can end wasting days on end at times. It could be something as small as a certain tv scene or some unimportant dialogue but I really have the urge to know what was said to feel relaxed but of course it's only temporary and never lasts but if i ignore it my anxiety just sky rockets and doesn't calm down i keep trying to piece it together in my head what happened and no distraction really seems to take it away at it's worst.
Logically i say to my self i can accept uncertainty and not knowing but emotionally i just can't, I am guessing it's impossible to know everything that was said in that scene etc without physically watching it but i can't seem to snap out of it and just say it doesn't matter i need to piece it together 1 to 1.

Has anyone had anything similar to this, or am i on my own here?

19-07-20, 08:02
Oh Lockey you're definitely not on your own, l have always had ocd traits switching lights plugs checking doors you name it

but l did smile when l read your post because the last few months that's exactly what l have been doing its driving me mad l can't enjoy any programes like l use to

but l know its because my anxiety has been building up, so logically thats why its happening l have had cbt in the past it helps

have you ever spoken about it to any professional's it can help ,if you haven't l would advise you to if you feel its getting worse wishing you the well

best wishes xx

19-07-20, 15:11
I have had similar episodes in the past when and where I was in the shower or bath or using the toilet and the light fitting above or in closest proximity to the shower/bath/toilet suddenly stopped working, even if all the other light fittings in the bathroom/toilet remained on.

Obviously the worst-case scenario would have been if all the lights in the room suddenly went out (as in a power cut) and I was suddenly in pitch black, especially in a completely window-less bathroom or toilet.

Probably stems very much from a traumatic experience at school when I was about 5 or 6 where my classes' assigned toilet block was window-less and the kids often used to fool around in there with the light switch and pull silly pranks by turning the lights off on others in there, and usually got off scot-free, and I was the one that got it in the neck from school staff for being silly whenever I was on the receiving end of such pranks, and acting hysterically over it. It was OK for the staff because they had proper skylights in the ceilings of their toilets, and could only be occupied by one person (the user) at a time, unlike the Boys and the Girls!!

19-07-20, 16:26
Oh Lockey you're definitely not on your own, l have always had ocd traits switching lights plugs checking doors you name it

but l did smile when l read your post because the last few months that's exactly what l have been doing its driving me mad l can't enjoy any programes like l use to

but l know its because my anxiety has been building up, so logically thats why its happening l have had cbt in the past it helps

have you ever spoken about it to any professional's it can help ,if you haven't l would advise you to if you feel its getting worse wishing you the well

best wishes xx

About 3 years ago i did go and see someone but it wasn't really regarding this and I never bought it up I went for health anxiety which was through the roof about 3 years ago, that has calmed down but no not since I haven't. Yeah it is really annoying it only happens to me sometimes though which is the strange thing maybe because it's something I'm invested in I've tried to tell my self so what if i missed something but that's easier said then done as i think you'd know.

19-07-20, 18:02
its just unfortunately the way are brains are wired its all linked to anxiety, if l don't rewind the program back it plays on my mind then my stupid thoughts kick in , l am trying not to give in but as we both know its hard. l was maybe thinking about more cbt myself it can't hurt can it anyway let's hope we can get some peace from it take care xx

best wishes