View Full Version : Night sweat worry

21-07-20, 18:18
I hate these and always get worried when it happens which is uncommon to be honest. But last night it did I woke up with a sweaty upper back and neck and started panicking that I went downstairs and fell asleep there. I fell asleep at around 0000 and woke up at 0100 so my theory is I lay in the same position for an hour but idk. They weren't drenching I would say and I'm only 21 and terrified of sleeping tonight

21-07-20, 22:37
I’ve had pretty much constant night sweats, like you, not drenching since February. I mentioned it to my doctor off handedly while discussing an unrelated issue, she remarked that as I’m feeling well in myself it’s more of a ‘curiosity than a concern’ drop a call into the doctor if your worried/it gets worse.

It’s also quite warm here at the moment, with an odd humidity, I would think it’s quite normal to sweat a little.

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21-07-20, 22:47
I’ve had pretty much constant night sweats, like you, not drenching since February. I mentioned it to my doctor off handedly while discussing an unrelated issue, she remarked that as I’m feeling well in myself it’s more of a ‘curiosity than a concern’ drop a call into the doctor if your worried/it gets worse.

It’s also quite warm here at the moment, with an odd humidity, I would think it’s quite normal to sweat a little.

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Thanks for that, in now just getting very very anxious about sleeping tonight and have taken to Google to try and figure out causes etc which hasn't helped

22-07-20, 15:43
UPDATE: No sweats last night (from what I could see) but I had diarrhoea sort of there and now I am worried about this new symptom.

22-07-20, 16:49
Night sweats are hardly ever caused by anything sinister, especially as you are 21.

Diarrhoea? There are thousands of reasons as to why someone would have diarrhoea, and probably only about 2 or 3 of those things are severe, neither of which you have.

The human body is not always perfect. Sometimes we sweat, sometimes we eat something a bit bad and our body throws it out. Sometimes we have palpitations, sometimes we have headaches. 999/1000 these things are caused by minor issues. Imagine this: your computer is running a bit slow... would you automatically think there is a critical error and that the computer was beyond repair? Of course you wouldn't.

Get some rest, because good sleep is key to fighting anxiety.