View Full Version : chest pain

21-07-20, 21:18
hi all,
need some advices. I’ve been experience chest pain (dull, ache feeling), almost every other day. it comes and go for 3 weeks. when it first happened 3 weeks ago, I went to an urgent care and after exam, I was diagnosed with Costochondritis (I do have a baby that like to kick me when I sleep/play with him on the bed). it then got better. then the next weekend, I have 3 episodes of feeling like burning on the left area. I was able to see my primary care doctor. she did EKG and it was fine. after exam, again she pointed to muscular issue. Now she put me on a week of ibuprofen and said if it doesn't go away she would do more testing. she doesn't think I need a chest x-ray yet. I have no other symptoms. breathing, oxygen level is fine. The symtoms now varied with dull pain randomly on upper left, or sometimes tightness in the middle of the chest when I woke up in the morning. The pain/tightness last less than 1min. I don’t know anymore whether this is because of my anxiety level or not, but 3 weeks seem like a long time for chest pain for muscle strain right?

I would like to know if there is lung issue, I will have breathing or oxygen issue right? EKG clears the heart activities. I’m not sure what’s going on anymore.

23-07-20, 02:29
I think there is a misconception in us Health Anxiety sufferers that major and severe illnesses are hard to diagnose or find.

As you have had an ECG/EKG, your heart is obviously fine. If your breathing and oxygen levels are also fine, it is unlikely to be something directly affecting the lungs and something gastrointestinal (such as GERD/GORD etc). I'm not a doctor but if your doctor was worried that you had something severe, he/she would not "put off" doing anything. It is most likely something minor, exacerbated by anxiety.

God bless,
