View Full Version : New guy looking for friends...

24-10-07, 12:38
Hey my name is Reece... I have PTSD and OCD...

I've had OCD for a little over a year now and have been using the Linden Method to treat myself... I'm not here to 'pimp' the program or anything but it's effective if a little difficult but thats mostly down to my current circumstances rather than the method itself as I have no family or friends to support or comfort me...

Basically, I'm completely and utterly alone...

I almost completely eliminated OCD and anxiety from my life a few months ago using the Linden Method program alone, no meds, no doctors or psychiatrists, just guts and glory... but lo and behold, suffered another traumatic event which knocked me back down again...

I've retreated back into this 'habit' as a means of coping with that experience and thats what I believe this is... I have a 'habit'... I dont blame an external force of 'faulty brain signal' I take full responsibility for this behavioural condition and believe that I can eliminate it from my life with the right people around me...

But I'm not here to debate anything with anyone... if you feel you have a biological illness hey, I'm not going to dispute that... if you take meds, good for you!!! However... I know myself, I understand my psychology and emotions and know 100% that I dont have a biological or mental illness of any kind... I'm just a heart broken guy struggling to work through grief and loss in the worst kinds of circumstances imaginable...

I lost everything I had last year... my friends, my partner of 8 years, my job, home... this isn't a 'sob story' and I'm not here to whine... but no one could do this alone and I'm too young to be living like this... I dont need to go into details and I'm not prone to melodrama or exaggaration but my circumstances really are extreme lol

I need to find friends ASAP and get myself out of this rut... I have to take action...

I'm hoping to find people in the Surrey area to do the Linden Method with... we could all do it together, support, encourage and motivate eachother to overcome our anxiety disorders 'Fellowship of the Ring' style hahaha...

I'll probably stop by in the chat room every now and then too... but anyway, if you're interested leave me a message otherwise, I guess I'll 'haunt' the chat room and forum for a while instead heh

Best of luck to you all in your recoveries ... this can be eliminated, not 'treated' but cured 100% and there is hope... there is ALWAYS hope...

Also, I've found that in my case hypnosis is very effective in treating OCD and anxiety... but thats me... I'm like this as a result of a traumatic loss and my mind is pulling on that memory...

I dont bother treating the 'compulsive patterns' I focus more so on the underlying anxiety which drives the behaviour ... the 'generator' for my behavioural condition ... but each to their own I'm not here to be down on anyone...

God bless


24-10-07, 12:51
oh reece, too bad i don't live in the UK :( i would totally be there for you, but instead i'll be here for you. things will get better. they always get worse right before they get better and i really do believe that.

24-10-07, 13:01
Hello Reece And Welcome.....linda

24-10-07, 13:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

24-10-07, 17:50
hi reece welcome to the site and thank you so much for your help today in the chat room when i was having a panic attack u were so kind tc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-10-07, 18:07
Hi Reece,

Welcome to NMP. I am so glad you have found something that has worked for you. You will make friends here.


24-10-07, 18:37
Hi Reece

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


24-10-07, 18:41
Hi Reece

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and thanks for the imformative first post.

Hope we can be of some help.

24-10-07, 21:23
Hi Reece and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)