View Full Version : Liver pain?

21-07-20, 21:53
Hey all, trying to stay calm here as I haven't had a health anxiety problem in a while. But a few days ago, I got a sharp pain on my right side (not where the appendix is, most like the gallbladder or liver area). It was a bad pain that caused me to stop talking mid-conversation and crouch over. It came back intermittently that night but disappeared when I woke up the next morning.

I didn't give it much thought after that, but today the pain came back! I made the mistake of googling the symptom and now I'm convinced I have liver failure or some kind of tumor (I am 20 years old and don't drink alcohol). My family sees my health anxiety as a "boy who cried wolf" situation. I'm scared that something could happen at night or while I'm alone in my room and nobody will find me until morning. Does anyone have advice for dealing with a thought like this? Or how I can reassure myself?
Thank you in advance :)

21-07-20, 22:20
Having liver tumours at 20 is EXTREMELY unlikely, and I mean extremely. Even if you did have tumours on your liver, you wouldn't drop dead overnight, I promise you.

But you don't have liver tumours. I have been worried about these kind of symptoms before, and I went to my doctor and he told me that it was almost impossible for a person under 40 to have cancers of the liver, stomach, pancreas etc because these cancers develop over a long period of time, and at 20 you haven't lived long enough to be affected by these changes.

Find it reassuring that pain in this region is actually very common, and 99.9% of the time is not caused by cancer, even in older individuals. In a person aged 20, you can add another five or six 9's to that figure.

22-07-20, 22:28
Thank you, your reply is very reassuring and helped me to ground myself. I am thinking that it may just be digestive issues

23-07-20, 06:26
I went to the doctor with this exact thing a number of years ago because I was worried and they said it was the start of my intestine and just a pain associated with digestion. I still get it suddenly on and off and this is almost 8 years on. I’ve also had ultrasounds of the area (for different reasons) and nothing was wrong with the organs there.