View Full Version : Lamotragine

22-07-20, 20:53

I’m back, again, but this time actually on medication. Previously I have been so sensitive to ssri medication that I have refused to take anything. This time is different. I became suicidal and something had to change. I have been taking 30mg of mirtazipine now for 13 weeks (can you tell Lockdown sent me down a dark path again). As well as this I was on 2mg lorazepam. I have now successfully tapered off the lorazepam and now solely on Mirt. My Psychiatrist has now said because of my low mood she would like me on Lamotragine on top of my mitt. Has anyone else tried this for low mood? I would be interested to hear from anyone. I am anxious to start anything new as Mirt is mostly working well.

23-07-20, 00:34
Previously I have been so sensitive to ssri medication that I have refused to take anything.

Sensitive in what way?

My Psychiatrist has now said because of my low mood she would like me on Lamotragine on top of my mitt. Has anyone else tried this for low mood? I would be interested to hear from anyone. I am anxious to start anything new as Mirt is mostly working well.

Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant primarily prescribed to prevent seizures, but also as a mood stabilizer/booster for bi-polar disorder so it is likely to work for you.

23-07-20, 09:38
Thanks for your reply. Sensitive in what way? - I become increasingly more agitated on SSRI meds, I couldn’t tolerate the initial settling in few weeks as they made me much worse than the anxiety and depression did to start. I then became phobic about any medication and have managed my anxiety and depression with the odd prescription for diazepam and lorazepam, and CBT.

This time was different. I went from anxious to suicidal in one day and needed something to stop that. The Lorzapam did that and then added Mirt stopped me getting that low again. Now with the waves of lows coming regularly this new medication has been suggested.

23-07-20, 12:45
Thanks for your reply. Sensitive in what way? - I become increasingly more agitated on SSRI meds, I couldn’t tolerate the initial settling in few weeks as they made me much worse than the anxiety and depression did to start.

I have much the same issue with SSRIs, they make me manic. But I've been happily taking older tricyclic antidepressants (and for a while an even older MAOI class AD) for over 3 decades without issues.

This time was different. I went from anxious to suicidal in one day and needed something to stop that. The Lorzapam did that and then added Mirt stopped me getting that low again. Now with the waves of lows coming regularly this new medication has been suggested.

Cool. Though I wonder if another antidepressant might not be a better option.

BTW-be aware that while they can help in the short term, benzodiazepines like lorazepam actually make anxiety and depression worse and can inhibit the effectiveness of antidepressants.