View Full Version : Worried for my brother

24-07-20, 18:54

I know that there probably isn’t a lot people can say to this, results will be coming in a few days and I guess I know that people cannot change the outcome and I am just wanting to get it off my chest.

On and off for a year my brother started experiencing hair loss. This is not something that typically runs in the family so he managed to get a blood test to see if there was an underlying cause. I don’t know all the exacts as I didn’t want to because I know I cannot visibly hide my worry- but from what I heard he had high iron levels and something also flagged up on the liver that has resulted in a liver blood test specifically. I don’t know specifically what flagged up but its enough to cause me worry. I guess I am quite worried that it is something serious...do these abnormalities always mean something serious?

24-07-20, 20:25
Hi there no these blood results don't always mean something serious they can mean nothing or other minor issues. The first thing they should do is repeat the bloods as sometimes bloods can be a bit off then fine the next time. I know you are worried of course but I'm sure it will be okay xx