View Full Version : Back again!

24-07-20, 19:02
Hi everyone! So I haven’t posted on here for a while, not because I’ve been fine but because I’ve tried to deal with my anxiety away from the net. Obviously the past 4 months have been very Terrifying for everyone but more so for people with health anxiety. The worry of getting Covid and not surviving stuck in my mind throughout. Anyway, a bit about my worries right now. About two years ago I felt pain in my right knee, to straighten it hurt, to walk upstairs my knees clicked and hurt and believe it or not the longer I stayed sitting the more it hurt and was stiff! The pain and dull ache was mainly coming from the back of my knee but this seemed to occur after physio for what my initial problem was. I was treated for patella femoral pain And the physio helped immensely except it caused a dull ache behind knee! I wanted an opinion from SomEone private and results there and then and I was told I had a bakers cyst, the start of osteoarthritis and some synovial fluid around knee! Since being off work due to Covid and now on my summer holidays (I teach) I have thought and googled a lot. It’s all the what ifs all the time that come in to my head. Blood clots, rumours, checking statistics as to how likely all these are to happen. Did the woman in Harley street just want my money so diagnosed me wrong. All I’ve done this is week is cry and become scared about me dying due to what’s wrong with me and me not wanting to get checked angwin incase or bad news. I just feel completely lost and like no one understands my worries. I feel lonely and like I live everyday , minute to minute in complete worry! I just needed to rant here and let it all out so am sorry for the long post. I hope everyone else is ok during this time and if anyone feels like a chat, DM me x

24-07-20, 19:04
Sorry for spelling mistakes! Not great on my phone and when in a bit of a state x