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02-02-05, 21:44
hello, just wanted to introduce myself. i started having these attacks last septemeber, and naturally wound up in the emergency room twice, firmly believing i was having a heart attack or stroke. the second time the doctor told me i was having panic attacks, i didnt believe him, it just didnt sound like me. my ears were ringing, i was having flashing vision, sweating, cold/hot and chest pain so of course it was a brain tumor. it just seems so real that even now that i know its a pa, they are still scary, unpredictable. i can avert them about half the time, otherwise i just have to ride them out. i started exersizing which stops them from being so wild, but its still present a lot of the time. im not sure what to do, i didnt realize even that other people had these, so thats somewhat reassuring, but im still scared and feeling a little short changed. thanks for listening, ms

02-02-05, 21:55
Hi and welcome to the site

Well done for being able to avert them some of the time. What triggers off the ones that you find more difficult to avert ?

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

02-02-05, 22:23
Hi Msopell

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

Chris X
02-02-05, 23:35
Hi, This is a great site with very good information on things to do to help yourself. Just reading your post proves you are suffering from anxiety as we have all experianced exactly the same as yourself with varying symptoms. . The good news is it can be overcome as i know i have come along way from all those A & E emergancy visits and doctor visits.It takes alittle time to re adjust your thinking towards anxiety but once you get over the fear of these symptoms they eventually go in time. By worrying and focusing on the symptoms your not allowing yourself to improve , but you are doing the right thing by exercising but do it because you want to. One thing i learnt is that if you take away the fear of panic attacks or anxiety youve got nothing to feed the fire, I find anxiety works in the exact way, wish you the very best and sorry if i sounded alittle blunt, Regards, Chris.

03-02-05, 10:20
Hi Msopell

Welcome to the site

Remember you are not alone, there are lots of nice
people here who will help and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge canquers fear.

03-02-05, 13:10
Welcome aboard MS

Good to see you here - you'll find a lot of information and genuinely helpful and sympathetic people here - it's a great resource!

Read-up what you can here and talk to everyone and I'm sure you'll be making good progress in no time - get all the information you can - it really helps!

I'm relatively new to PAs but I've learned an enormous amount from this site and it's already made a big difference to me and my recovery.

Good luck and good health


03-02-05, 16:19
Hi :D
Welcome to the site. I've been a member only a few days myself and have found it to be extremely helpful. I'm sure you will get all the help and support from everyone here.
Take care

03-02-05, 17:03

Welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and support here, you are amongst friends.

Take care

Elaine x

03-02-05, 18:00

Welcome to the forum and site.

Good to have you here. You sound as though you are part way to controlling the panic by "riding them out". The hardest part is convincing your brain that it is just panic and you are not going to die. That re-training comes in time.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


03-02-05, 18:10
hi welcome im sure you will find the site really helpful

fan x

04-02-05, 09:00
Hi msopell,

I'm quite new to the forums and I find they give me a sense of comradeship, of being in this thing together. Also the advice is spot on.

Good to have you join us, and you will get better.



04-02-05, 14:57
hello msopell, hope you find this site helpful and make some friends that can share your unpleasant experiences and help out.