View Full Version : Having trouble keeping attacks under control

25-07-20, 07:09
Hi all, I don’t post much about myself but I’m really having a large blip at the moment.

Four days ago I experienced my first migraine ever and it came with an aura, although I was able to rationalise what it was quickly as I’ve heard stories from others that had experienced migraines the aura it’s self was utterly terrifying. Took all the steps of taking painkillers and an antiemetic as soon as I could (Called the Doctor the next day to get switched off the combined pill so all good there!)

Since the first I’ve then I’ve had a further three in the following days, two yesterday that resulted in a really not good moment of lots of ugly crying and a very down moments. It just seemed like there was no end, as the pain and other unpleasant symptoms would only ease for and hour or so before the next aura started.

I think it was the combination of feeling so unwell for the previous 72 hours, how terrifying (yet I know completely harmless) the auras are and just such an overwhelming amount of helplessness to it that got me. My mum and husband were brilliant and called my favourite doctor who prescribed a medication to stop them. - this seems to have worked, but the problem lies in that I’m just so anxious about another one happening- not because I’m worried about them being something else, or even the pain, it’s just those auras.

Every little floater in my vision is causing me to panic, I’m waking in bigger attacks than my usual and the general levels have been a lot higher than I’ve been dealing with for such a long time, which is upsetting really.

I still deal with a lot each day but I’m really not one to complain, I have my ways of coping with things and I’ve been building a much better life for myself. This just feels like another thing on top of what I was handling that I just can’t push through.

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25-07-20, 07:32
So sorry you're having a rough time. Dropping you a line now.

25-07-20, 07:49
So sorry you're having a rough time. Dropping you a line now.

You know you’re the best, right? [emoji3590]

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25-07-20, 08:33
You're only human and even though you know they are harmless it's ok to acknowledge that you are scared stiff of the auras and they must be really frightening for anyone..

You must make the most of the support from your loved ones and take some time out to just accept that you are going through a really rough patch and it's ok to take a break from being in control of your anxiety..and just let all your fears out. Don't internalise them..talk about them and then get some rest?

I do hope you are feeling better very soon, MM. You give such a lot to others on here xx

25-07-20, 09:19
You're only human and even though you know they are harmless it's ok to acknowledge that you are scared stiff of the auras and they must be really frightening for anyone..

You must make the most of the support from your loved ones and take some time out to just accept that you are going through a really rough patch and it's ok to take a break from being in control of your anxiety..and just let all your fears out. Don't internalise them..talk about them and then get some rest?

I do hope you are feeling better very soon, MM. You give such a lot to others on here xx

Thank you so much Pulisa, I am definitely scared stiff of them and I think it’s just worn me out.

Im forever thankful of the care Mr Midnight and my mum offer me, I really don’t know where I’d be without them. I’m taking a day off today, hopefully with no more migraines just to recoup a little, but all of this has put me much further behind on a commission piece I should of finished by now, nothing like a good late deadline to add to the stress!

Not to be outdone by migraines my IBS is now deciding that it needs to be centre stage, but that doesn’t surprise me, but outside of that I’m already feeling physically much better.

Thank you for the well wishes! If I get to 3pm today I’ll be 24 hours free from the onset of my last one (it’s the first goal I’ve set for ‘getting through it’)

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25-07-20, 09:48
Sorry to hear you're going through this.

I often find that if I experience things like migraines or IBS, it means I'm stressed overall. I realised a couple of years ago that I became so adept at coping with anxiety, that I often didn't see the warning signs of stress.

I wonder if you are experiencing this right now because of an overall increased sense of stress that you didn't notice was wearing you down? I think this is especially common in this lockdown scenario for a lot of people.

I completely agree with Pulisa about surrendering to it if you need to. Being in control of anxiety is as much about allowing yourself to just accept it's here as fighting it. Wheras a few years back a blip would stick with me for weeks, now it's just hours. I think it'll be the same for you too.

25-07-20, 09:52
I’m so sorry you’re going through this at the moment.

I notice that i get really stressed about something and then it all snowballs from there.

When I got aura migraines they were prompted by things like glare or bright lights. I found that unless I properly relaxed and stopped whatever I was doing, then it would move to the other eye as well and then I’d be wiped out for a day. Are yours similar?

And of course it’s flaring up your ibs because you’re so stressed too.

I can’t really offer any practical advice, I think that you know well enough how to manage anxiety. It’s just that this spell is extra tough. There are so many tough things going on at the moment and it’s hard. Give yourself a bit of a break and don’t blame yourself for feeling a bit fragile.

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25-07-20, 10:21
Sorry to hear you're going through this.

I often find that if I experience things like migraines or IBS, it means I'm stressed overall. I realised a couple of years ago that I became so adept at coping with anxiety, that I often didn't see the warning signs of stress.

I wonder if you are experiencing this right now because of an overall increased sense of stress that you didn't notice was wearing you down? I think this is especially common in this lockdown scenario for a lot of people.

I completely agree with Pulisa about surrendering to it if you need to. Being in control of anxiety is as much about allowing yourself to just accept it's here as fighting it. Wheras a few years back a blip would stick with me for weeks, now it's just hours. I think it'll be the same for you too.

Thank you Joe, it could possibly be that I’ve been a little more stressed and not noticed! I’ve been trying my hardest to start my own business and have admittedly been neglecting to take days to myself, I have been wanting to take a break, and was planning on it after I had completed this project but apparently my body got tired of waiting.

Thankfully this whole lockdown/COVID situation hasn’t added much to my personal stress (other than always having 3 other people in the, already cramped, house making noise!) as I rarely ventured out much before it started. I’ve always been much more of a stay in type person anyway, even without the mental illnesses.

The IBS is 100% what I get for being in an emotional state like I got myself in yesterday. I think I’ll pamper myself with a cheat day from the maintenance diet plan and just kick back as much as possible today, I’m definitely still a little more aware of my vision than I would like but I’m expecting with time that will ease up. Usually my blips are minimal like yours so I’m hoping I just need some good rest, relaxation will come with time.

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25-07-20, 10:29
I’m so sorry you’re going through this at the moment.

I notice that i get really stressed about something and then it all snowballs from there.

When I got aura migraines they were prompted by things like glare or bright lights. I found that unless I properly relaxed and stopped whatever I was doing, then it would move to the other eye as well and then I’d be wiped out for a day. Are yours similar?

And of course it’s flaring up your ibs because you’re so stressed too.

I can’t really offer any practical advice, I think that you know well enough how to manage anxiety. It’s just that this spell is extra tough. There are so many tough things going on at the moment and it’s hard. Give yourself a bit of a break and don’t blame yourself for feeling a bit fragile.

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Thanks Scass, I had no idea there were so many people that experienced migraines here. I had read that it is seemingly more common in people that also have mental illnesses though so it makes sense.

Yes, I agree completely that the IBS is 100% the result of the state I was in yesterday. Frankly it would of been a miracle if I didn’t have repercussions from it.

It seems to just start out of no where in the centre of my vision (I think in one eye? But I’m not completely sure) then it spreads to one side. I just use my relaxation techniques the best I can, to keep the panic attack under control and also in hopes that it would help lessen the severity of the aura, magical thinking I’m sure! I just lay/sit back with my eyes closed because the blind spots are much more distressing than the sparkles for me. Then the pain, dizziness and nausea starts to kick in. Thankfully I have a medication to stop the migraine in it’s tracks now so I am a little less scared overall but still too focused on my vision, expecting and fearing another aura.

Unfortunately I think you’re right, I do know how to manage my anxiety and this blip is just taking it out of me a little more than usual. Today will be a day of nothing, other than maybe letting Mr Midnight cut and colour my hair for me, and maybe even a pizza... if the IBS is going to be angry it might as well be for a good reason!

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25-07-20, 13:55
You have an on-site hairdresser in Mr Midnight?!!!! How wonderful! I hope you are able to enjoy the experience and are happy with your new look! That would be such a good stress-buster and would make you feel better, maybe?

My daughter is going to order a home delivery pizza tonight..It's a particularly tough time for her and every little helps when it comes to being kind to yourself and aware when you need to take a step or two back.

Not long till 3pm now..xx

25-07-20, 14:12
You have an on-site hairdresser in Mr Midnight?!!!! How wonderful! I hope you are able to enjoy the experience and are happy with your new look! That would be such a good stress-buster and would make you feel better, maybe?

My daughter is going to order a home delivery pizza tonight..It's a particularly tough time for her and every little helps when it comes to being kind to yourself and aware when you need to take a step or two back.

Not long till 3pm now..xx

He’ll do anything for me, I usually cut/buzz his hair for him. So I decided to try something a lot different and go really short with my hair too! Something I’ve never done (never gone much above my shoulders!) it’s been a fun experience.

I’ve settled for home cooked burgers tonight, cheaper than a pizza and I might not suffer (as much) for it!

Only 50 minutes until I’m 24 hours clear from the onset. I’m currently waiting for my pretty purple dye to fix on my hair. Then rest with crappy tv all day. I hope your daughter enjoys her pizza very much! Does she cope okay with food not made at home? I struggle a little sometimes, these times must be really difficult for her.

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25-07-20, 14:28
She had got better with having food out at her favourite places but the lockdown has put paid to that. The local tearoom has just reopened and we went yesterday..It's all a bit clinical though inevitably.

The pizza tonight will be a treat for her though and it's supporting a small local business.

Your new look sounds great! It should be low maintenance too. I'm getting my spindly hair cut on Thursday..Fortunately my last appointment was just before lockdown but when you've got baby fine hair like me it needs regular trimming..I'm looking forward to getting all the wispy bits chopped!

25-07-20, 17:27
I'm sure you'll be OK again soon.

Just try to keep thinking positive, watch some of your favourite DVDs/TV programmes, listen to some of your favourite music albums, read some of your favourite books, browse your favourite websites, have a nice soak in the bath (if you have one in your house/flat, that is).

Take care.

25-07-20, 17:44
I hope you are managing to keep your anxiety at bay, Lencoboy? ASD certainly brings its additional issues, doesn't it?!