View Full Version : Sinus Infection, concerned about coughing blood

29-07-20, 12:52
I suffer with sinuses almost all year round if I include hay-fever as well. Certain things make it worse and causes me to cough as if something is tickling my throat or at times choking me.
And last night I was coughing on and off all through the night to the point of coughing a few specks of blood.
I wanted to to know if anyone else has had this, whether I should be concerned and any tips to ease sinus infections would be helpful to all.
Thank you x

29-07-20, 14:43
It's pretty common with a bad cough. I've had it twice in my life and obviously rushed myself to A&E first time it happened. It's usually just from a hyper irritated airway or a 'nicked nerve' (as the Doctor in the hospital said).

Keep an eye on it, but it's nothing that's to be immediately concerned about.

As for the infection, I've found that snorting saline helps a lot. I buy the commercial one and use it as it's in a spray that's much easier to get right up there. Helps with post nasal drip too which you might get afterwards, and of course it helps with allergies.

29-07-20, 15:16
Thank you Joe x

29-07-20, 17:40
It's like over blowing your nose with a cold and seeing blood..

I'm sorry you're going through a bad anxiety patch, Carnation xx

29-07-20, 17:43
Thank you Pulisa x
I'm still fighting :D

29-07-20, 17:46
Thank you Pulisa x
I'm still fighting :D

Course you are! Don't give any attention to those niggling thoughts and doubts? They are playing tricks on you

29-07-20, 18:24
:hugs: x

29-07-20, 23:30
Hi Carnation sorry your not to good hope you feel better soon xx

l have coughed blood when l had infection and when my sinuses are bad l put a warm flannel over my nose its helps me xx might be worth a try 🤗

best wishes xx

30-07-20, 00:06
Thank you Mrs S x
Sorry you suffer too its nasty :hugs:

30-07-20, 02:33
Good to hear from you Mrs. C! Sorry it’s under these circumstances though.

Sinus infections are so miserable. I also cough or blow blood specks with those infections so don’t worry about that. So easy to irritate those passages.

for me, hot steam works great. I have a kettle on my stovetop, I heat water till it whistles then pour it in a big bowl, add a couple drops of eucalyptus oil, and put my head over the bowl to inhale the steam thru my nose. Usually drape a towel over my head to help hold more steam in, like a tent lol. I look pretty goofy for sure, but it helps.

get well soon!

30-07-20, 06:07
Yeah, there are lots of tiny blood vessels near the surface so the force and repetitive coughing/sneezing can just end up bursting them, Carnation. You've had it before so it's likely just more of the same.

The time to worry with blood is when it's an abnormal amount. If you were coughing up spoonfuls of the stuff then something needs investigating. But specks are nothing.

I hope you feel better soon. I have always hated hayfever season. I'm pretty lucky these days as it doesn't affect me much now but years ago I used to wish June away every year!

30-07-20, 08:57
Thank you glassgirlw x
Good to hear from you, hope you are ok.

30-07-20, 09:12
Thank you Terry x
Yes, I have had the blood thing before and obviously the sinus issue is ongoing. But probably because my anxiety is up and we have a Covid situation, I seem far more concerned. Not because I think I have the virus, but a normal query to a doctor is now a scary situation.
Also any sign of blood is a worry. Where is it coming from, will there be more, am I in danger. If it was coming from my nose I wouldn't be so concerned, but it's when I have a severe bout of coughing.
And now acid reflux has joined in as well.
I feel like my insides are taking a bashing and I don't think I want to know what it looks like.