View Full Version : Worried about weird thing that just happened with my taste buds

29-07-20, 22:52
Hi everyone,
Today has been normal, I started to make dinner and I took out a cucumber from my fridge and started to cut it up. As soon as I bit into it, I noticed it was frozen probably from being at the back of my fridge. But the weirdest thing is the taste of the cucumber was so bitter. I had to spit it out right away. From then on when I rinsed my mouth even the water from the sink didn’t taste right.

I ate the other stuff I had for dinner and it all tasted fine. But when I licked my lips it had that bitter taste on it. I quickly went and brushed my teeth after dinner and cleaned my lips and it’s a lot better. But I still have this weird bitterness in my throat. Right away I got scared about Corona virus because I heard it Can change up your taste buds. But I’m trying to think logically here that it ONLY happened after I had the cucumber. Sounds so silly writing this out but it really is making me anxious. :(

30-07-20, 00:46
Apparently Covid causes a loss of taste and smell, which obviously isn't what you experienced. I would put it down to a bad cumber.

I can't stand the beastly stuff so it always tastes bitter and nasty to me :lac: