View Full Version : Triggering of anxiety/panic attacks

31-07-20, 12:37
I'm new here so sorry if this is in the wrong place. So, I've suffered from anxiety most of my life but the worst its been was after I had my daughter. I had severe post natal depression and anxiety. Start of this week I decided to have a few puffs of a relatives ciggarette, forgetting that it actually had weed in it. Now I've never smoked weed before and despite only having afew puffs it made me totally freak out, I was having a full blown panic attack the likes of which I haven't had since I was at my worst. Most of the night was spent like that and the next morning my anxiety was still high. I tried to rationalise it and tell myself its normal after such a bad expwrience to feel this way. The next day I was back to my normal self. But then I started thinking about it all and my anxiety is terrible at the moment. I keep having waves of going hot and cold and I have a constant knott in my stomache. Im so scared I'm going to end up how I was with the post natal depression and can'tvseem to stop myself getting anxious over the fqct that I'm anxious! Logically I know how ridiculous that is but I'm so scared this one stupid incident has triggered my mental health! Please help!

02-08-20, 15:11
Hi, the fear after you found out it had a drug in it may have triggered your anxiety. I'm no expert on drugs but I have smoked weed in the past, just once in my adult life and it made me paranoid for 2 days. Never again. I think you should seek the advice of a professional if the anxiety persists, don't worry about telling them you smoked weed, it was an accident remember.

Your anxiety has obviously been triggered by this but I do not think you need to worry about it at this stage, I also know its hard not to worry, I just want to let you know I made that mistake and know how you may be feeling. Hopefully you will get relief from your anxiety soon.

02-08-20, 20:49
Thank you so much for replying. I'm still anxious but trying to calm myself down. I think I've just spiralled from this one incident. Thabk you again for replying x

05-08-20, 21:57
Weed is infamous for creating immediate panic. It can stay with you for a while after.

Best thing to do is just keep telling yourself it'll pass. There's no permanent damage done.

06-08-20, 15:03
Thank you!