View Full Version : Belching and nausea, really freaked out that I have stomach cancer or something

31-07-20, 16:53
For the past few days I’ve been belching up acid and intensely nauseated. I’m really worried it’s cancer or something. My doctor says it’s acid reflex but I may need more tests if it doesn’t go away. I was prescribed nexium.

01-08-20, 08:14
Why not try taking the nexium first before you move onto cancer territory for a routine acid reflux problem?

01-08-20, 12:36
I’ve been belching,spewing and farting for over a week I take Somac for GERD you have not got the big C.

02-08-20, 17:37
Nexium is a great medicine for acid reflux, it should help if that is what the problem is.

Try to turn the IF it is C into IF its not C. Its highly unlikely and I think you should take your doctors word for it, you have done the hard bit by seeing your doctor, now its time to ease the stress. Tummy/acid issues can be quite severe in nature so try not to worry and see if the Nexium makes a difference, even if it only helps a bit. I hope it does. :flowers:

02-08-20, 18:43
For the past few days I’ve been belching up acid and intensely nauseated. I’m really worried it’s cancer or something. My doctor says it’s acid reflex but I may need more tests if it doesn’t go away. I was prescribed nexium.

That’s the route the take. Prescribe nexium for a couple of weeks or more & then move forward if that doesn’t help.
Gaviscon helped me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-08-20, 19:04
I know I've posted this a lot but look at the FODMAP diet (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) in addition to the PPI. Keep a food diary, what foods trigger a reaction and avoid/eliminate them from your diet. Follow the advice and hints. One of the biggest is not to eat late. My wife and I rarely eat anything after 6pm. At most a light snack or dessert after dinner. While meds help, its also about adjusting your diet to help the med.

Positive thoughts