View Full Version : How Mad is this

24-10-07, 22:45
I went to the doctors to discuss a couple of things and mentioned my anxiety, he then rather swiftly recommended Citalopram 10mg.

Now I have had a read up about it on this site and various other websites, but I am very worried about the side effets. I am pretified that I take a tablet and for some reason die. Don't ask me why I think like that because normally I am not like that but I am in a flat panic about taking them.

I have read all the side effects and am worried that if I take these tablets my first couple of weeks are going to more of a living hell than what it is now. My husband thinks I am stupid and got very angry with me tonight, wondering why I bother going to the doctor if I am not going to take the tablets why bother even going to the doctors. It's really upset me so much so that I know most of tonight is going to be spent sat up watching the tv in hope sleep with just overwhelm me.

I want to get better, but why is it so hard, I am not normally like this it's getting frustraighting. Anyhow apologies for rambeling I am just feeling all alone tonight with my pathetic anxiety

Pink Panic
25-10-07, 09:34
Hi Janie,

I hope you eventually did get some sleep and are feeling better today.

I have been through exactly the same scenario as you.
My GP gave me Citropram and like you I was scared to take them and none of my family could understand why. I got the same response as you are getting that I was wasting mine and the doctors time.
One day when I was having a crisis my Mum called the Doc out and he as much as said that if I didn't take them then I wouldn't get better and I shouldn't bother him!
I have seen one Psychiatrist who also told me to take them and I explained that I was terrified and he said there was nothing to be scared of but I still didn't take them!
I live with a Medic who said that he would monitor my reactions but still i refused.
I have gradually made progress with attending a Day Unit and having counselling and a couple of weeks ago I saw a new Psychiatrist who said I actually didn't need drugs as I have come this far without them! :)
Maybe I would have got better sooner had I taken them, who knows but the end result is the same and I am doing better than before, still not anx free but one day that will come I hope.

I really hope that you make the right decision for you and not do what anyone else wants you to by being put under pressure.

Take Good care

25-10-07, 10:00
Hi Janie,
I too can totally relate to what you are saying, we are soooo desperate to feel something like "normal" again

I was exactly where you are now 6 weeks ago, I cried and threw a right paddy at the thought of taking that first tablet, no one in my family could understand why or how i could waste doctors time, I just could not get them to understand.

Anyway to cut a long story short I TOOK my first tab and havent look back since :D granted the first few days i was bit wobbly but i kept telling myself this is the start of my ROAD TO RECOVERY :D

If you want to chat somemore please feel free to pm me anytime,will try my best to reassure you and we can possibly work through this together:D

Inbetween times BE KIND TO YOURSELF :hugs: :hugs:

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

25-10-07, 15:26
Hello :)

So sorry to hear about all this. Sadly, family and friends often don't seem to understand our concerns.

Personally speaking, I've been on Citalopram for over 2 years and have not really had any problems. I started on Prozac, but struggled with side effects. I think I did continue to have a few with Citalopram, but it was hard to tell whether it was that or the Prozac still in my system.

Some people do have trouble with Citalopram, and others don't. I do rather err on the side of thinking that GP's prescribe anti-depressants all too readily, but really, you need to make your own decision as to whether or not you might find them useful.

Please don't let others pressure you into making decisions about this - it is your life and meds aren't for everyone. There are lots of posts on here about Citalopram, so it might be worth checking some out. At the end of the day, there is no telling really until you bite the bullet and start taking them. If you do, it is recommended that you give them at least 6 weeks to kick in (obviously, not if you have severe reactions). It can take that long for side effects to die down, but you may not have any at all!

Good luck with whatever you decide, and try asking that hubby how he might feel if faced with the same decision? It's not an easy one.

Take care xxx :flowers:

25-10-07, 15:46
I'm in the same boat as you, was prescribed Citalopram a few weeks ago. Still haven't started it for the same reasons as yourself :blush: and know that I never will.


25-10-07, 15:54
Hi All
i'm the last person in the world to tell you to take the tablets as i'm now addicted to meds and have been for the last 9 years, BUT what my hubby told me is never read the side affects, if i did i would get myself in a right state and not take them.
I really don't believe half the people get any of theses side affects but it's more than the manufactures job is worth than not put on what COULD happen not what WILL .................

Hrad decision to make but only do what YOU feel comfortable doing

:hugs: Good Luck

25-10-07, 15:58
Hi Janie

Like Kate I was prescribed Citalopram by a doctor I dont usual see (both my doctors were on holiday) and I sat looking at the packet trying to decide whether to take one or not. I had heard too many negative comments about them and finally decided that I'd rather go without that get myself in a state if I did take them.

I saw my own doctor on Tuesday as the anxiety is at a 10 at the mo and he immediately put me on Effexor (which I have used before with no problems). I know they will take two weeks to get into my system but I feel better knowing whatever happens I know these tablets.

You can only do what is best for you. I hope whatever you decide you feel better soon

Take care

25-10-07, 21:20
Thank you very much for your responses, I think I am worried that the side effects hit me hard and take me forever to get over. One sent of tablets I took 4 years back made me feel like a numb person I even had difficulty passing urine. Sorry to be so discriptive. Also if it effects my sex drive it will worry me but we will see maybe I will pluck up the courage :)