View Full Version : Chest muscles and anxiety (here we go)

05-08-20, 19:45
Hello lovelies.

Today marks the day my HA finally decided to beat me down. Since last night i had some very brief twinges in my left pectoral. It almost felt like someone was poking me with a thumb or a sharp nail.

After sleeping off a bit of drowsiness lets fast forward to this morning, the pain comes again, this time it hangs around a bit. Health Anxiety now rears it's ugly head. "Hey man, you might be having a heart attack, get to A&E" So of course without logically thinking. I did.

After 4 hours in A&E full of absolute panic with some very lovely doctors, I had undergone an ECG a full round of blood tests and a chest X-ray. All of which the doctor said was "Spot on and definitely nothing to worry about, you're 29 years old, try to relax" this obviously was blissful to my ears. Great! I said it's not a heart attack..right? The doctor said it was almost definitely a panic attack, as if it was a heart attack I wouldn't be sat there talking to her fine.

So of course now i'm home with my thoughts, I'm struggling to come to terms with a few things, that I hope some people can at least relate to and maybe weigh in with their stories/opinions, and obviously logic maybe missing due to hyped up anxiety brain but I hope you'll listen.

Can they really detect a heart attack that has happened or in progress just from ecg and bloods?
Does anyone else ever get stabbing pains in their left pectoral muscle during anxious times?
After being cleared by the doctor and still getting the pains, is it just posture related? I do tend to be at my computer alot (as per my job).

05-08-20, 20:09
Can they really detect a heart attack that has happened or in progress just from ecg and bloods? YES

Does anyone else ever get stabbing pains in their left pectoral muscle during anxious times? I get stabbing pains all over my body (especially my feet) stressed or not.

After being cleared by the doctor and still getting the pains, is it just posture related? I do tend to be at my computer alot (as per my job). Makes rational sense

Positive thoughts

05-08-20, 20:12
Glad you’re ok!
But yes, they can find out lots from those tests.
I’m a girl so don’t have the same anatomy, but I often get the odd little pains all over my body. It’s just doing it’s thing & because we’re sometimes hypersensitive to our bodies, we listen to it more.

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05-08-20, 20:14
Positive thoughts
Thank you for taking the time to reply Fishmanpa, I imagine by now you probably have had enough of these kinda posts. I've immediately contacted my GP to go back onto Anxiety medication so i'm hoping i can tame the dragon once again.

I know you've been through far worse, and I'm guessing they were immediately able to tell during diagnosis what had happened? I'm not going to doubt the trained professionals doing that is a rabbit hole i'll never get out of. But I do appreciate your experience. I'm attempting to reason that because my back muscles feel off when i lift up my left arm that i've tensed up and done some muscular damage.