View Full Version : Cancer fears are coming back, could I get reassurance please?

08-08-20, 04:34
Hi there, so I have a severe fear of cancer, I really don’t know why I do. It started at 19, now I’m 22. I got help and meds for the problem and it seemed to be working up until recently. My min has been all over the place saying I have this cancer and that cancer and it’s all I can think about and all I do is freak out. My mind believes I will get cancer at a young age and I will die and not be able to achieve my dreams in the future. I think my fear of the future triggers this.

So, if anyone knows any statistics or anything about cancer in young adults and cancer to help ease my worries, I would greatly appreciate it! I’ve gone to the doctor numerous times and have been all clear, but I still can never shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong and I’m sick...

08-08-20, 05:59
Hey man, as someone who had this fear for 4 years or so i can tell you, if the doctor has cleared you then you don't have it. Both my parents had different types of cancer and they got very ill very quickly. At 22 it's damn near unheard of to have it. Try to work on your health anxiety with the doctor.

08-08-20, 07:08
Sorry to hear how your feeling l would like to say you're right about one thing your not well and its your anxiety not cancer.

You should speak to your doctor tell them how bad your anxiety has gotten and treat it as this is the problem,maybe have some cbt.

And there is a very low chance for someone your age to have cancer, you are letting it take control don't let it just remember just because you think doesn't make it happn.

best wishes xx .

08-08-20, 12:57
There is no point in seeking reassurance because of statistics. You already know the chances are low, so it's the anxiety you need to deal with.

How does your fear manifest, what do you do when you think about your chances of getting cancer?