View Full Version : Scared now

25-10-07, 02:52
Hi everyone

Just need some advice. I was waiting on some results of a 24 holter monitor i had last Wednesday for irregular heartbeat etc. I was petried waiting. Now I have had a message to make an appointment with my doctor who wants to talk over the results. Evidently she put a PS on the note to tell me not too worry nothing nasty!!!!. Of course now i'm worried and sure it must be bad news and the thing is, I can't get in to see her until next Tuesday. I'm nearly having kittens!!! which isn't helping the palpatations!:ohmy:

Any advice on how i get through these few days?

thanks again


25-10-07, 03:16
Hello Tracy,
If it was anything important, the doctor wouldn't keep you waiting around so I'm quite sure as the doctors said that you have nothing to worry about.:hugs:

If you need reassuring, just ring the surgery to ask them if the doctor can ring you. I've done that before over here and they've got back to me the same day.:winks:

I'm quite sure you'll be ok Tracy. :hugs:

25-10-07, 04:55
Thanks for that Bill. I might just do that. I think my doctor is away today but will ring tomorrow and ask them i think.

thanks again you're a star


Elly 2
25-10-07, 09:09
Hi Tracy, don't worry, the reason you have to see the doc for the results is because it is ONLY the doc who can give them to you, nurses and receptionists etc are not qualified to give out results, and also if it was anything at all that needed immediate action they would have insisted you see them before next week. Honestly Tracy it's nothing to worry about. Let us know how it goes.
Big hugs

26-10-07, 00:41
Hi Elly

thanks for that, your a hun.

I managed to get squeezed in with my doctor today at 11.30 so at least i don't have to be so anxious all over the weekend.

I will let you know how i go. Hopefully all will be ok :blush:

I had these dratted missed/extra/weird beats bad again last night but was probably nerves :shrug:

Thanks and i'll keep you posted

Keep Smiling (i'm trying to lol)


26-10-07, 04:39
Hi Guys

Just wanted to let you know how i went on at the doctors with the results.

My doctor said that the monitor did pick up PVC and PACs but that they were ok. I am getting a lot but she said nothing to worry about at all :yesyes: .

It has made me feel alot happier so now I just have to try and relax and not let them ruin my life :wacko:

Thanks for all your support

Have a great day

26-10-07, 19:10
Hello Tracy !
Great News ! Well done - you coped with all this worry and stress.
This information will help you relax even more !
Be kind to yourself

Elly 2
28-10-07, 11:08
Hi Tracy, so pleased that all is ok. I had halter monitor some years ago for missed beats, mine was said to be ok too. I still get them and it's not nice when it happens but I suppose it's just something that we are aware of. Take care
Lots of hugs

31-10-07, 02:31
I agree totally Elly

they are horrible horrible things but we just have to trust in ourselves and believe what we're told.

We will get there eventually lol

Thanks once again