View Full Version : an introduction from a new girl

02-02-05, 21:53
Hello to all out there,
I am new to this site. I have been having panic attacks off and on since second grade. I am now 34. They tend to come and go. I remember having them when I was 27 and in a bad relationship. Well anyway they're back. it started off by me being awakened from my sleep feeling as though I was choking. It only begin to escalate from here.

I was sitting in church, when I felt this tightness in my chest. Then I had this wave of heat and fear come up my body. I felt as though I could not get enough air. I drove home and paced and paced and paced. I prayed to live. I honestly thought I was loosing my mind!!
My friends called the ambulance, because I thought I was having a heart attack.

I was told there was nothing wrong but that I should go and see my regular doctor. The next day I went to school where I had another one.
I left and went to the doctor. He told me I was having panic attacks and prescribed zoloft.

I have been doing a little better but can still at times feel that monkey creeping up my back . People think you are fine when you are having one, because you trying to hide it, but in your mind you are doing everything in your power not to start running and screaming. It is just scary!!!!!!!

I don't think i have posted my intro. in the right spot. If you have any tips on using the forum-please do. I did read the welcome notes but still am a little confused on how and where to post wha[:O]


02-02-05, 21:59

You've posted exactly in the right spot ! well done

You have been through these before and managed to overcome them and will do so again.

Panic tends to try to return when you allow it energy whilst or just after some difficult times . You need to ignore all the familiar symptoms as much as possible and not focus on it all.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

02-02-05, 22:21
Hi Tessa

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

Chris X
02-02-05, 23:12
Hi Tessa. I hope you realise that you are not alone with your symptoms of anxiety. Just reading your post youve mimicked the same symptoms i have experianced and everyone else suffering from this condition.
I find the trick is to refocus your mind on anything else you can weather it includes hoddies or work and learn to understand panic attacks only happen when your body is so tense it needs a way of escaping. Together with leaning to relax and positive thinking, knowing that those horrible symptoms are only related to anxiety and that they can't hurt you in anyway, your half way to recovering.
Youve definatly come to the right place as there are so many things you can do to help yourself written on this forum im sure it will beniefit you, good luck, Chrisx

03-02-05, 09:51
Hi Tessa

A big welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and support here. I have had all the symptoms you describe in the past but with time , patience and hard work they will diminish I promise you.

Take care

Elaine x

03-02-05, 10:11
Hi Tessa

Welocme to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

03-02-05, 13:02
Hi Tessa

Welcome to the forum - I'm new myself but I think you'll find it a great place, both in terms of useful advice and also helpful and genuine support from the people here.

What you're describing sounds a lot like feelings I've had before - I had my first PA at the beginning of last month and was fortunate that I realised what it was (eventually) and found this place.

Keep thinking positively and see what information you can find here and I'm sure you'll be helped on to the road to recovery in no time at all.

Good luck and good health



03-02-05, 18:09
Hi Tessa

Welcome aboard.

You have posted in the right place so no worries there. You can continue replying to this post or open new ones under other Topics or reply to other people's posts.

Try reading Meg's page at www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm there may be something there that will kick start you getting back on track.

I hope we can be of some help.


03-02-05, 18:12
hi im sure you will find the site really useful

fan x

05-02-05, 16:35
Welcome along Tessa,

I'm even newer than you here!

I can realte to your symptoms and feelings. I have been taken to hospital in an ambulance three times and each time they found nothing wrong with me. They were 'just' panic attacks.

Half the battle is convincing yourself that there you are not in danger. If you can do that (its not always easy) you will improve.

There is no easy or quick answer to our woes, but I do know one thing. The more people that understand you the better.

That's why this site is so wonderful.


05-02-05, 19:30
Hi Tessa,

Its nice to meet you and to be able to wish you well. Your amongst great people here who share many of your symtoms and we all will be there for you, when you need us.

