View Full Version : Feeling trapped

25-10-07, 03:07
When I was experiencing panic attacks I didn't actually know why. They could happen at any time, anywhere.

I was so bogged down trying to cope with the panics, I couldn't see beyond them. It was only after talking to a psychologist that he helped me to understand what was causing them.

In my case I was under a lot of pressure at home and at work, and I can remember this feeling of wanting to escape from the office, not wanting to be there. I just thought it was because I had a lot on my mind which was bringing me down to the extent of suicidal thoughts. I couldn't see a way out of the life I was leading and I felt trapped. It seems obvious to me now that it was because I felt trapped that I had my panics.

I suspect it's the same for most people that the first time they experience a panic is because of things going on around them affecting them.

The psychologist told me that if I didn't give up something to ease the pressure I'd break and he showed me options. I decided to go on sick leave and after a long period I recovered. I'm now able to work again.

This is only a thought but I wonder if peoples panics aren't actually caused by the situation they feel panicky in but in fact occur in these situations because of the feelings of being trapped due to other pressures around them such as a deep seated fear or because of their work or home situation. I'd be interested what others think on this.

28-10-07, 22:21
Hi Bill, :D

Another good thread :yesyes:

The feeling of being trapped, my daughter had this when trying to go back to school, thay gave her a time out card to use, she could go out of any lesson if she felt any anxiety, this did help her :yesyes:

You take care


28-10-07, 22:40
hey bill,
i was exactly the same, the pressure of work, study and caring for mum was far too much for me to handle on my own. in fact i was alone and my councillor told me the reason i was getting panics were cs it was my 'body's way of saying STOP!' so yeh ur ryt- we are normal people, wev just bin thru a lot

01-11-07, 22:25
Yep, we're quite normal people. Just the same as anyone else. Our anxiety just makes us "feel" ill and inferior to others because they appear to cope better but in reality people have different ways of coping. Some just keep it hidden until the cork flies off the bottle! Others just keep it bubbling and simmering.

We all have a limit as to how much we can cope with; some a lower limit than others because of our make up, how we've been treated or what we've been through but absolutely everyone has a limit and once it's reached, only then do they begin to understand what we normal people actually are - no different to them.:shrug:

02-11-07, 01:57
I think you hit the nail on the head there Bill! Certainly in my case anyway. When I started uni I was pruod of the fact that I never got homesick and I settled into the whole cooking, cleaning and looking after myself really well. It's not until recently I've noticed a link between my anxiety and being at uni, and it seemed strange that in myself I didn't feel worried about it. Isn't it strange how you can worry about something yet not realise what you're worried about? Still, I'm glad you have identified the cause of your anxiety. That's what docs are for eh? x

02-11-07, 05:26
Hi Bill, I've had panics in Lifts,trains and aircraft.
I believe it's brought on by a low mental state, depression and stress.:shrug:


02-11-07, 08:55
Hi Bill,

I think your right, we just reach a limit and the body says "stop". From my readings it appears that panic attacks are the end result of a build up of stress/anxiety and repressed fears. Some peoples fears go way back to childhood and some of the time, are forgotten. So the adult experiencing panic attacks wonders why. Im no expert, by any stretch of the imagination. Its just stuff ive read, which seems to make sense. On a day to day level, I had a similar experience to you Bill. My mum was ringing me about her neighbour....3 times a day. My son had been through an assessment and had been diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder (its on the Autistic Spectrum) and his father....my ex husband.....buried his head in the sand and wouldnt talk to either him or me. My partner at the time was insanely jealous and possessive and i felt trapped. My heart rate was all over the place. I lost my voice for 2 weeks and had a panic attack. Luckily...it only happened the once tho, but it wasnt a good feeling. Like you say, we are all normal people, who have reached a limit. Life has calmed down for me since starting my course and most of the stress has gone. Of course, my sons problems are still there but now i know whats wrong i can deal with it much better. I think, also, it helps just talking to people. You dont feel so alone then and its lovely to get support from others who have been in the same boat at some time or other.

04-11-07, 01:56
Isn't it strange how you can worry about something yet not realise what you're worried about?

Some peoples fears go way back to childhood and some of the time, are forgotten. So the adult experiencing panic attacks wonders why.

Just as Lucy and Jassley have pointed out above. Our minds become programmed. We forget the original cause or causes and our minds go into auto pilot.

Have you ever found yourself waking on a Sunday morning feeling nervous even though the next day is a Bank Holiday Monday? If you have too much stress in your life and at work then your mind may have become programmed into fearing Mondays, even when there's no work and only when the issues are resolved will the anxiety symptoms ease.:shrug:

Eva May
05-11-07, 11:24
Well I can't think what the hell is wrong with me. I have been over and over the past with my therapist and we've waded through anything that has come up but I still panic. All the time. At every little thing. So I'm feeling really trapped and maybe that's what's stressing me but God talk about a vicious circle :mad:

06-11-07, 03:00
Hello Eva May,

I've been reading through your posts and I have a theory which may or may not be right but see what you think.

You say you had 2 jobs that you had to give up because they were long distance. Perhaps travelling the distances were too stressful which have triggered your panics. You felt trapped because you felt you Had to travel those distances each day.

You also say about a fear of the dark. My guess is that when darkness falls it makes you feel enclosed, therefore trapped and so you get anxious. Having people around when it's dark will add to this feeling of being trapped which is why I think you prefer to be alone.

It may not be herditary. I wondered how large your family is? Have you many brothers and sisters? Was the house crowded? Or perhaps you've learnt behaviour from your parents or you were left on your own too much when you were young, or not shown enough affection? There are a number of possibilities but the most important thing is the here and now and I suspect the thing that's caused things to get so bad is a build up of perhaps the relationship break up and more especially the pressures you felt getting to work.

It sounds as though you're still experiencing the panics because of what you've been through so it Will take time to bring under control.

The first thing I'd suggest is learning a relaxation technique that you find works for you. There are many different types. Once you learn something that helps, then you'll be better able to confront other stresses that make you panic. One small step at a time.

I'd be interested if anything in the above makes any sense to you or whether I'm way off!

Take care.:hugs: