View Full Version : Sleep issues/sleep panic?

11-08-20, 20:19
Hi everyone x Hope you're all staying safe and well during this time! I know alot of us are struggling but I hope there's a better day ahead for us all.

So I've been doing well recently for the most part- but the only thing I'm really struggling with is sleeping. I find I get really spacy feeling when it's time for bed, the anixety just settles in my chest and it get unberable. I try all my deep breathing, body scanning, listening to headspace and calm like my therapist said. Yet it's impossible, I try to close my eyes and I straight away jump right up struggling to breath and my heart racing. It settles down, I get up and I try to calm. I do the scanning again etc this process can go on for hours before I finally get some sleep.

I had my heart checked a few months ago (ECG, a 48 hour monitor and a echo scan) all fine!! I've had lots of Medical tests so I'm 96 percent sure it's nothing health realted!! Just in those months in like oh no is it....but I know deep down it isn't. I'm sure it's more of a sleep anixety thing maybe?

This has been going on for about two months now and I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions !!

Thank you for reading xx

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17-08-20, 08:05
I'm the same. My problems happen at night and all my heart tests have been fine. My ticker is in fine fettle! I've had it for years now, and when it started I was fearful of going to sleep, and thar be the problem because fear will always keep you awake. I just accept that my anxiety likes to come out and play at night. It's nocturnal, like a bat. So there are a few things I try to do..

1. No food after 6pm (the body has to work hard to digest food which can interfere with sleep)
2. No electronics before bed.
3. No caffeine or stimulants (no pop, alcohol, chocolate, sugary stuff)
4. No news on tv or elsewhere
5. No drama tv after 6pm
6. Going to bed only when tired, but preferably before 11pm.
7. Making sure the bedroom is neither hot or cold
8. Gaffer-taping Hub's nose and mouth to prevent snoring (this has triggered many a panic attack)

Have a really good look at everything you do and ingest throughout the day - body and mind. I do think you have developed a sleep phobia, so you need to retrain your brain into not fearing bedtime.

03-09-20, 03:27
I am not trying to be smart but this quote really made sense to me in my darkest hours.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

03-09-20, 05:33
Thank you rcs, that makes so much sense to me, i’ve copied it & will read it over & over to reinforce the thoughts when i’m feeling at my worst.

04-09-20, 15:30
I have been dealing with this too lately. Nothing stresses me out more than not sleeping and then having to deal with anxiety the next day after not sleeping. I was on the phone to the crisis team numerous times because I was so wound up about it. Whenever I would drift, I would get heavy feelings in my chest, upper and back and then wake up half an hour later with sleep paralysis or a panic attack. Propranolol got me through the worst of it a few weeks ago but I haven't taken any since and I have been sleeping reasonably ok despite my anxiety still being sky high during the day.

What helped me most was changing my thinking while in bed and preparing for bed. I used to look at my bed and feel utter dread and feel sick to my stomach. Now I try and tell myself "even if I don't sleep, I can at least rest and if I can't sleep, well that means I can just get up and play more of my game or watch more of the TV show I am on" and usually I end up sleeping.

Sorry I don't have much more to add in terms of advice, I am still in the grips of it too. Just wanted to let you know you aren't alone and my inbox is always open :)

09-10-20, 19:26
Thank you all so so much for for the wonderful replies x So so sorry I didn't back on to you all sooner, my phone won't let me post on here anymore and I don't always have access to a computer sadly!
Like you said Nora, I defo think I have developed a sleep phobia. I've been working hard to deal with it, I've had alot of bad blips lately but I'm still here!