View Full Version : Iron

12-08-20, 01:55
Has anyone been diagnosed with Anemia and put on Iron 65mg (Ferrous Sulfate.) I have always had a fear of side effects, I feel like most of us do. Can anyone offer advice to get over the fear so I can take this and get better. I’m 3 months postpartum after c section so I hopefully won’t have to take this forever.

12-08-20, 15:09
I became anaemic at one stage and was put on ferrous sulphate. Sorted me out in no time, and there were no side effects at all.

I think some people get constipation with it, and you may find that your stool is darker, but that's about it.

12-08-20, 16:22
Thank you so much that gives me hope. Ehh I don’t know why I work myself up so bad. She has me taking it for three months and then retesting my iron

12-08-20, 16:24
Yeah, I don't think you have anything to worry about at all 🙂 it's just a supplement. Some people take it every day.

It should make you feel better, not worse! You'll probably find you have a bit more energy.

12-08-20, 18:26
I was also prescribed iron after pregnancy many moons ago, it did make me a bit constipated but dr told me to take lactulose (don’t know if they have that in your country) but it just softens the stool, took iron for 3 months & when tested levels were spot on. I can’t see you would have any problems with it.