View Full Version : Nodular melanoma

14-08-20, 14:16

I'm 30 and female. I have been referred by my GP for an urgent appointment at the hospital for a new mole on the back of my leg (my only mole, in fact). I first noticed it maybe 2 months ago when I felt it, but it's in an area I can't see so I thought it was just a spot. About 5 days ago, I realised it was still there so I took a photo, and it looks very worrying. It was brown/ black/ red and a bit scaly then, but it has since evolved (that quickly!) to more raised, black and shiny. It's around 2mm in diameter.

As my GP was concerned enough to refer me urgently, that worried me a bit, but I was still somewhat calm. That was until I searched Google for images of my mole. It only looks like nodular melanoma - a very aggressive and deadly kind. Apparently, this kind of melanoma spreads very rapidly (over weeks/ months) deep into the body, rather than on the surface of the skin. And as it is on the back of my leg, I don't actually know how long it has been there. Most health websites/ journal articles say that the prognosis for this kind of cancer is poor. I am petrified.

I know have to be patient and wait until my appointment (in 5 days), and I know that no one can tell me that it's nothing to worry about, as only the doctor can tell me that. But has anyone else had a new, raised mole that turned out to be nothing? I'm already thinking about how my child will cope without me when I'm gone - it's going to destroy them.


14-08-20, 18:22
Gosh I'm sorry, how scary for you. It sounds like you're doing brilliantly at staying relaxed.

Of course I don't know what this lump is, but I do know a few things - people with no moles are at much lower risk of melanoma than someone with lots of moles. It's one of the main factors, so you have that in your favour. What's your skin tone? And have you ever burned badly?

Also, 2mm is very small. If it DOES turn out to be cancer then I think you've caught it early.

Finally, nodular melanoma is a rare type and normally affects people who are much older. It would be more likely to be a superficial melanoma (or not cancer at all).

I'm glad you're getting looked at, and really hoping for good news for you.

19-08-20, 16:31
Hi, thank you very much for replying to me - sorry I didn't reply sooner.

I had my dermatology appointment today. I expected them to do/ arrange a biopsy, but the dermatologist didn't think it needed it. She said it was something which became irritated and formed a scab and that's what the black thing was. Then another dermatologist came in and looked and agreed with her. He removed the scab with a knife thing (I don't know what it's called) then he had a look again. They said it was a blood vessel.

Needless to say, I felt extremely relieved. But then she said that if it changed again and I was worried that I could request that my GP refer me back to dermatology. This made me a little nervous as I thought 'but why would it change? I thought they were sure that it's not melanoma. Maybe they're not sure'. But maybe she was just trying to reassure me that I could go back? Maybe this is just my anxiety? I don't know.

But anyway, I feel much better than this morning.

19-08-20, 20:27
Great news!

I think if they were in ANY doubt they'd have done more tests. You got two dermatologist opinions and both were clearly certain it wasn't cancer.

They just said about coming back if it changes to kind of reassure you that if you continue to worry you can get more help. It's almost something that doctors say on rote... like at the end of every consultation they'll always come out of 'but if anything changes / if you're still worried, let us know."

It's just something they say.

Nothing to worry about �� you've got the all clear!

19-08-20, 23:03
You could find out if the 'scab thing' got sent away for biopsy, as that would give more information.