View Full Version : Do I need to see go to my GP

16-08-20, 12:32
I had and pelvic ultrasound Jan 2019 - all clear and a smear Oct 2019 - all clear . I’m due my period any day soon. However after sex and when wiping I seen a bit of blood on the tissue it stopped after an hour. I’m in a total panic as this has never happened before, I’ve been coping really well with my health anxiety and I felt after year I’m finally taking a turn and I don’t want this to be a setback I just wondered should I be talking to my doctor about this or is this more normal than I think x

16-08-20, 13:20
It's incredibly common. I think every woman has experienced this occasionally, and it means nothing.

If it starts happening more, you could consult your doctor. Could be a hormone imbalance.

16-08-20, 15:16
Yes I’ve had it and it didn’t mean anything.

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16-08-20, 20:29
Thank you guys ... do you think I should wait and see if it happens again then contact my gp? The thing is I’m reading all the possible causes but I’m just thinking one track cancer ... nothing else is even getting a look in. For eg I did feel my DH came in with a bit extra pressure this time, but it doesn't mean he hasn’t before so why not spot then and why spot now and this are the stupid irrational thoughts going on in my stupid brain so frustrating.

16-08-20, 22:56
I'd probably leave it and just see if it starts happening more often. But only you can make the decision for you.

18-08-20, 09:09
Thanks ... well this happened on Sunday and Monday I came on my period so although this has never happened before I’m assuming me being due my period so soon was an contributing factor, got a gp appointment next week any way to review my AD so might just mention