View Full Version : Fearing neurological issues

16-08-20, 20:51
Hi everyone,
Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated. I’m a bit of a wreck right now & struggling a lot.
It all started with swallowing issues that after having a barium test have been attributed to reflux. But in the process of waiting for the test I pretty much convinced myself I had neurological issues causing the problem.
Since then I’ve had twitching all over my body, bubbling feeling in my eye, lower back, pelvic & thigh pain that gave me inner thigh tremors & I struggled to walk, dizziness, nausea, actual vomitting most days, feeling like I have a wobbly head, general positional tremors & shakes & also areas of my body where I appear to of lost fatty tissue. Dips & dents. Body jerking. Generally feeling very unwell. Pins & needles, numbness. Sometimes I wake up to completely numb fingers. Fatigue. Feeling like I’m tripping up over words all the time. Due to lockdown I haven’t managed to actually see a Dr! Which is causing me no end of panic. I just want some reassurance people have been through similar. Dr on the phone tends to blame anxiety for everything given my history of HA, but in all my time dealing with this illness, I can honestly say I’ve never felt this bad. It’s all consuming & I’m struggling to get up and function most days for fear of feeling so weak & ill.
Thankyou for reading x

16-08-20, 20:58
You can literally tick off the SYMPTOMS (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) of anxiety with your post.

Positive thoughts

16-08-20, 21:48
Thankyou Fishmanpa, I’ve actually been reading a lot of your posts recently after having the swallowing issues & also finding a lump at the base of my tongue. I’ve been finding your posts really reassuring. Seems so many symptoms have just catastrophised & turned into so many problems I can’t even keep up with what I have anymore! Another peril of HA. So difficult to rationalise your own thoughts, but so easy to rationalise for others 🙄 thankyou for responding!

26-08-20, 10:37
I am currently going through this - many of the same symptoms but mine also include blurred vision (I think due to the sertraline). Bless you. I don’t have any advice as I’m in the thick of it myself but know your not alone.

30-08-20, 14:43
I had to check to see if I had posted the original message haha. I always think it's impossible to have so many symptoms without a being physically ill but apparently it IS possible

31-08-20, 07:55
Thankyou both! Although I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, it is nice to know others having the same issues!! It’s so hard to believe anxiety can do all these things! 😩