View Full Version : Major dark feelings

17-08-20, 22:13
A big phobia of mine is thinking that I’m alone with a certain feeling, or fear. When I’m troubled with a bout of anxiety it’s like I’m the only person in the world who is feeling as bad as this and there is no help due to its severity. This makes me feel lost and very hopeless and it’s the scariest feeling in the world for me, so I always like to see if someone else can relate!!

I’ve suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I have high functioning autism too, so I tend to really delve into why I’m having a certain thought or feeling and won’t let it go. I can handle most of the things anxiety brings, surface stuff, like social anxiety, excessive worry, phobias, lack of control etc. But every so often I get a feeling that’s deeper, it falls into the category of impending doom. It’s super dark and horrible and I cannot shake it, the best way to describe it is like when you would get that overwhelming homesickness as a child when you’d be away from your family or whatever, but the scary part is that I’m already at home around my family, but the feeling looms over me and it’s not like the rest of the symptoms of anxiety, I can’t handle this one. It’s attached to every thought I have, it even makes happy memories not seem happy anymore, like my whole life has, and is darkness, my house doesn’t seem like my house, it feels like I’ve never been there before, everything familiar becomes unfamiliar and feels like I’ve run out of happiness forever and my life is over. I’m a very homesick type of person anyway, I don’t like to be more than a few miles from my house, and that dark feeling often comes while I’m away and will go when I get back, but like I said, when it’s with me constantly even in my comfort zone, it’s terrifying. I’m not a suicidal person, but when I’ve got that feeling, I really don’t think I could go on living if it persisted day in, day out without letting me have a little bit of light. I’ve had it the past few days and urghhh, so awful. So really hoping someone can relate. Thanks everyone, love you all and happy to be in this fight alongside you!