View Full Version : My anxiety has costed me three years of my life

18-08-20, 02:07
Hello, sorry this is such a long post but this has developed into a massive issue for me and I must talk about it somewhere.

3 years ago (2017) I began looking for my first job and I felt like I was on track with my life and had so much to look forward to, I had been universal credit during the first half of that year but stupidly I stopped claiming and figured I’d find a job on my own and so I began putting off getting a job for months as my anxiety began to develop to the point where the thought of getting a job would stress me out to the point of nausea and I got too comfortable not having too much of a social life being indoors a lot of the time. I had applied for jobs here and there throughout 2018 and 2019 but to no avail (although I realise this is perhaps because I didn’t apply enough).

So as 2020 began I promised myself this would finally be the year where I would reset and get my life back on track by getting my first job, in February I even tried to get help through a job seeking agency which would have been a big help, but then you guessed it...Covid-19 happened and everywhere went into lockdown putting a pause on my plan. Months later here I am 22 years old, still haven’t had my first job yet and in my head I’m screaming about how much time I’m losing and how much time I have wasted. I feel like A failure and a disappointment and i’m worried that I’m too far gone. I am going to attempt applying again from September but part of me is worried I’ll lose so much time before I finally manage to land myself a job and I’m very embarrassed that I’ve managed to reach this age and not even got a job yet...have I failed at life already?

18-08-20, 05:37
No, you haven't, I swear. I was temping and doing contract work until way into my thirties. As Aerosmith once said, "life's a journey, not a destination", and everyone takes a different path.

If you want, I'd be happy to offer practical help and emotional support.

18-08-20, 08:12
22 is a perfect age to find a job. You can do this x

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-08-20, 18:59
Thank you very much for the reply and offer, I’m going to give it a proper go as soon as the next month starts and I’m fairly certain I’ve got it this time. But If I need any help or emotional support I’ll keep that in mind, thanks again! :)

02-09-20, 23:24
As Aerosmith once said, "life's a journey, not a destination"

I love this quote.

06-09-20, 02:53
I was unemployed for over 2 yrs after a bad anxiety attack at work, I thought I would never work again and no one would trust me . One day my old employer called up and I have been back here 4yrs and it’s not perfect but periods of unemployment are harder .
You can do this with anxiety and you are stronger than you think , once you get a break it is a confidence boost and it will happen if you want it to.
I hope you get a job .