View Full Version : I am new

25-10-07, 15:09
Hi everyone

I am a stay at home mum working on setting up my own business so that I don't ever have to work for a boss again :yesyes:

I have an absolutely gorgeous boy who is nearly 3.5 years old. He is adorable and the reason I am so desparate to get well soon. I also have a lovely husband who wants me to get well.

I have been suffering from panic attacks and various kinds of physical illness since my mum died (suddenly and in tragic circumstances) earlier this year. My dad also died quite young about 12 years ago in sad circumstances.

I have a history of emotional turmoil and depression when things go wrong in my life. I have started seeing a therapist recently in the hope that I can get better. I am taking sleeping tablets as my insomnia has become worse due to night time palpitations and panic.

Any way, I am really pleased to find this website, I hope I will have a chance to chat to many of you soon.

Best wishes :flowers:

25-10-07, 15:34
Hello Yellowflower,

Welcome to the site. Hope that you enjoy your stay. Check out the sections on the left.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

25-10-07, 16:53
Hi and welcome to nmp

25-10-07, 17:14
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hi Yellow Flower,

Welcome to NMP. Hope you find lots of friends and support here!

TC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-10-07, 18:42
Hi Yellowflower

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


25-10-07, 19:17
Hi and :welcome:

Sorry to hear of both your losses.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.

25-10-07, 19:45

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxxx

25-10-07, 21:45
thanks everyone, you are lovely !

25-10-07, 21:49
Hi yellowflower and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

26-10-07, 00:01
Hi Yellowflower,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who feel like you do and will find support.



27-10-07, 04:13
Hi Yellow Flower and welcome to this site. Im fairly new myself, and have found this site invaluable. You feel like you arent alone in this. I can relate to you not wanting to have a boss again, as it was a boss that caused me to develop this anxiety.

Welcome again and hope you get some hope from the stories on this site.

Cordy xxx

27-10-07, 05:25
Hi YellowFlower, I can certainly empathise with your losses. My Brother and mother passed within 9 months of each other.

Although it does seem you're back on track. Working for yourself is the most empowering thing I ever did. If you need a hand with any proposals / spreadsheets, or even setting up a website just PM me. There are grants out there for lots of new ventures, and I'd be happy to help you get off to a good start.


27-10-07, 09:13
Thanks to everyone again. karakers thanks for offering a helping hand, I will keep you in mind. My local Business Link and Enterprise Agency have been excellent so far, but I may need other help later, many thanks ! I just need to get better quicker so I can push ahead.

27-10-07, 09:14
sorry for the typo of your name krakers :blush:

27-10-07, 19:56
NP YellowFlower - I hear the weather is better this time of year in Caracas ;)


Sarah Lou
27-10-07, 22:58
Hi Yellowflower

So sorry to hear of your loss. I'm new too and suffer with depression and anxiety, and have found this site extremely useful, as I'm sure you will too.

Sarah Lou x

28-10-07, 01:01
Hello YellowFlower,
Many welcomes to NMP and I hope you feel at home here really soon. Many condolescences on the loss of your parents.

Take care

Ellen x

28-10-07, 09:48
Yeh, gosh Caracas is warmer, sorry about that !

I am going CRACKERS lol:yahoo: just another pun !