View Full Version : Bruise on Hand

19-08-20, 22:25
I’ve just randomly had a bruise come up on the back on my hand even though I don’t recall knocking it. I’m freaking out because this seems like an odd location for a bruise. Is it common to get hand bruises? I’ve been experiencing a lot of bruising on my legs recently too. I’m worried it’s leukaemia and my platelets are though. I’m on my period though and it seems a normal flow so far, so hopefully my platelets are fine.

20-08-20, 09:12
i have bruises on my hands,legs and arms.You would know if you had leukaemia not just by a random bruise on your hand and legs.You are Ok.:D

20-08-20, 09:56
This is true and if you're on a blood thinner it can happen spontaneously. Also as we age our skin literally does get thinner!!