View Full Version : Lump in my armpit

25-10-07, 16:44
Hi everyone

I have posted here a few days ago about my other anxiety-related symptoms.

I have also noticed that in line with my generally bad health in the last few months, I have a largish swelling in the left armpit. I first noticed this about two weeks ago when I was examing myself due to chest pains.

When I touch the middle of the left armpit it feels swollen and tender to touch. I also get shooting pains from it going down my side (not all the time, just occassionally). I have had general chest pains in the past 3 weeks (I have had any possible cardiac problems checked with doctors, they assure me I don't have a cardiac problem, I am a 39 year old female, generally quite healthy most of my life).

Could anyone please reassure me if they have also had a swelling or lump, perhaps triggered by infection (I have had kidney infection twice in the past 3 months and flu twice which antibiotics cleared) which then went away ?

All sorts of terrible things like tumours and cancers are going through my head.

I will go and see the GP soon, just worried that she will think I am a hypochondriac nutcase as have been in out of the surgery for past 3 weeks :ohmy:

geordie flower
25-10-07, 16:49
Hiya, ive had on a few occasions had a lump in my armpit about the size of a marble and everytime its just been an inflammed hair follicle/sweat gland, they are quite painful! I could actually get a hold of it, ive got quite sensitive skin and they were caused by a reaction to a new deoderant id tried. Please do get it checked by the doc tho take care Tracey x

25-10-07, 18:47
Hi Yellowflower

I have had a few little lumps under my armpits over the years, i actually had one last week, sounds to me like a little abcess or boil that usually grow where hair folicles grow.
Like Trace said i would get it checked out at the docs then you can put your mind at ease.


miss motown
25-10-07, 20:59
hi yellow flower your thred caught my eye as ive been having the same with the pain under my armpit and its feels alot thicker than my right one ive also been getting alot of chest pain.well like yourself ive been to my gp ive had a heart trace and that was fine but i was convinced i had a heart problem.now ive been getting this pain and im convinced i have breast cancer my gp says its muscular pain and when im anxious a do tend to tense my arm so maybe this is the same for you,my gp has tried to reasure me theres no lumps in my breast as the pain seems to go from my armpit into my breast and its quite scairy she,s now refered me to a genetic breast clinic which i got my appointment thru today for the 29th jan such a long time away,

25-10-07, 21:38
hi motown - that is interesting - i really must go and see the gp too as i am getting paranoid. my aunt had a cyst of some sort removed from her armpit last year and my mum and sister both had benign cysts, mum in her throat and my sister on her spine, both removed without complications or regrowth, so wonder whether it could be genetic.

it does feel a lot like you say, a large area that is swollen and tender not just a small round lump. i do also get shooting pains down the breast and left arm esp. when i get stressed. i am glad you are getting yours thoroughly checked. i will too as it will help to know what it is (hopefully nothing at all for both of us). please do report back and let us know how you get on. i will too as soon as i have seen the gp. take care xxx

25-10-07, 22:42
I had this a while ago - it turned out that i had shaved and hen sprayed deodrant and created an infection.

Best to just get it checked out to be on the safe side =D

26-10-07, 13:11
Sounds like a swollen lymph node, probably left over from the infections and flu you have. I had one and it's nothing to worry about. Your GP will reassure you though.

Lisa x:hugs:

28-12-09, 19:51
i've got a lump in my right armpit i asked my mates and they have said it's probably not a swollen gland because it's in the middle of the armpit and glands are lower. i'm not too sure what to do i've had them in the past in my left and right armpit but just overlooked them because they have gone within 2-4 days, it's just this time it is REALLY! painful to close my armpit (move my elbow towards my hip) :/. anybody got any ideas?