View Full Version : Lung cancer panic - help!

22-08-20, 23:30
Hi! I'm a chronic HA sufferer, I had cancer fears constantly in the last 2 years. This round is about lung cancer, and I'm terribly frightened. I'm a 39 yo woman, mother of two, ex-smoker (10 years, quit 10 years ago, since then only occassionally). My symptoms started in February 2020, with chest and upper back pains (dull, constant & sometimes sharp, breath-related + it gets worse when I'm laughing or yelling). Only in right side. At the beginning I had mild cough, but it went away. Sometimes I have shortness of breath, but I think is because of anxiety since I can do my workout program perfectly, without breathing symptoms. I don't have other symptoms, no reflux, no GERD, no asthma - only this constant dull pain here or there in my chest and back. When this whole thing started, I was convinced (on the very first day) that I have lung cancer - but COVID came, and I couldn't go to the doctors. In May I went for a chest X-ray, which was normal (+ I have a clear CT scan from July 2019, but I think it is irrelevant). My symptoms didn't go away, so in July I called a pulmonologist (telemedicine LOL), who told me that in my age, with my symptoms, with my not very heavy history of smoking the chances are practically 0 for lung cancer. I asked him about repeating x-ray or CT scan, but he told me that he wouldn't recommend it since there's no reason for them. He said that my symptoms are due to musculoskeletal or psychological causes, so relax. And guess what... I did relax. I had 3 whole weeks without symptoms - after 5 months of suffering and panicing it was a huge relief! But all came back after 3 weeks, and it is much worse now. Pain in chest, back (breathing/yelling/laughing/moving-related, nothing at night), super-high anxiety levels, I can't bear it anymore. What do you think? Please help me with your opinion, because I'm going mad.

23-08-20, 00:21
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

23-08-20, 06:32
You had the symptoms when you had the X-ray and CT scan and they were negative, so there's no point in repeating then. I think your pulmonologist is correct, your symptoms are musculoskeletal. This is rational thinking.

Also like FMP said cancer symptoms don't come and go or stop and start again

24-08-20, 01:13
Thank you guys. I know I shouldn't be worried but I am. It doesn't feel musculoskeletal but lungs :-( I am trying to keep positive but it's not easy...

24-08-20, 08:48
In May I went for a chest X-ray, which was normal (+ I have a clear CT scan from July 2019, but I think it is irrelevant).

Why would a normal chest X-ray and CT scan be irrelevant?

24-08-20, 11:03
Why would a normal chest X-ray and CT scan be irrelevant?

The CT scan is irrelevant because it was taken 8 months before my symptoms started. The x-ray is not very reliable: 20-25% of lung cancers doesn't show up on x-ray :-( So a negative x-ray is not an "all clear" sign, especially with persistent symptoms.

24-08-20, 13:22
The CT scan is irrelevant because it was taken 8 months before my symptoms started.

Yes, it is relevant. Depending on how far apart the CT scan slicers were scans can detect nodules at 1-2mm in diametre. Subject to their subtype, lung cancers (l/c) at worst double at between about 70-200 days for men, taking about twice as long in women (about 16% of these cancers double in under 180 days, 36% at between 180-365 days and 47% take longer than a year).

So in 8 months even the fastest growing nodule of say 0.5mm, i.e. half the minimum detectable size, on the day of the scan would have grown to only about 2mm in females, or 7-8mm in males, nowhere near big enough to cause any symptoms, and this assumes a constant maximum growth rate which is rarely the case. Plus, the symptoms you describe are not typical of l/c.

X-rays can be unreliable with small nodules, but a routine x-ray picked up the 10-12mm nodule in my left lung without difficulty although it was suggestive of a pleural plaque, i.e. mesothelioma, not a l/c nodule.

so in July I called a pulmonologist (telemedicine LOL), who told me that in my age, with my symptoms, with my not very heavy history of smoking the chances are practically 0 for lung cancer. I asked him about repeating x-ray or CT scan, but he told me that he wouldn't recommend it since there's no reason for them.

Very wise as x-rays, and particularly CT scans have risks. Because I am at high risk of relapse I have a low dose x-ray every 2-3 years and a CT scan every decade (after which no x-rays for 5 years) and even that is probably more than is wise, imo.

What do you think? Please help me with your opinion, because I'm going mad.

Have you been assessed for an anxiety disorder? If not, I suggest you talk to your GP about this.

24-08-20, 13:33
I am very grateful for your words, especially for data, it is reassuring. Yes, I have all kind of anxiety disorders: GAD, HA, PTSD, panic attacks. That's why I am here: trying to find some relief, but it's not easy: anxiety goes with thousands of "what-if-s". What if the CT scan / x-ray wasn't accurate; what if my cancer is growing faster than average; what if I spend my time in peace because of the pulmonologist's opinion, and my LC will metastase... and so on. I know it sounds silly, my whole family thinks the same, but I am terrified.

25-08-20, 02:48
I know it sounds silly, my whole family thinks the same, but I am terrified.

Is your health anxiety being treated? If not, please talk to your GP asap. Anxiety/stress can be as serious a health issue as the one you think you have.

25-08-20, 07:45
The CT scan is irrelevant because it was taken 8 months before my symptoms started. The x-ray is not very reliable: 20-25% of lung cancers doesn't show up on x-ray :-( So a negative x-ray is not an "all clear" sign, especially with persistent symptoms.

Why did you have a CT scan on your chest when you had no symptoms?

My FIL has lung cancer and the imaging lit up his tumours like a Christmas tree!

Our brains are wired to the negative bias so when you are scaring yourself shitless on the internet - you are focusing on worst (and least likely) case scenarios. 20 - 25% might not show up on an X ray but they will show up on an MRI and yours was clear. My cervical spine MRI - along with the disc disintegration and mild nerve impingement - showed a teensie 'lesion' which, granted, flared up my HA for a day or so, but I got a letter through from a consultant saying it's nowt. It's most likely something that is commonly found on routine scans of, er, older people. It's literally too small to tell, so I'm getting a re-scan in a few months. No problemo. I'm now a pro at being scanned. ;) My point is that it's miniscule, and the scan picked it up, so you need to trust that the scan would have found lung cancer if there is anything to find.

25-08-20, 13:13
Is your health anxiety being treated? If not, please talk to your GP asap. Anxiety/stress can be as serious a health issue as the one you think you have.

Yes, I know :-( I will go to the GP if it turns out that I don't have LC. CBT doesn't work for me, and I don't want to take meds - so I don't know what to do.

25-08-20, 13:16
Why did you have a CT scan on your chest when you had no symptoms?

Last year I had a couch for 4 months, and GP sent me for CT scan, but it was clear. 8 months later: no cough but I have this constant discomfort for 6 months and a clear x-ray. This is very frightening.

25-08-20, 13:21
There may come a point where you have to decide whether taking meds is worse than not taking them. Why the aversion, anyway?

26-08-20, 08:26
Last year I had a couch for 4 months, and GP sent me for CT scan, but it was clear. 8 months later: no cough but I have this constant discomfort for 6 months and a clear x-ray. This is very frightening.

You had a clear scan when you had the cough? Now the cough is gone? I'm no doctor, but I don't think that cancer coughs go away, cocker.

In the absence of anything organic - we have to consider anxiety - and coughing is a symptom.

Discomfort in the chest is also incredibly common. I've had it for years. Sometimes it's muscular, other times it's feels electrified. Or there is pain which can take my breath away. It comes from not breathing properly, and when we are scared, we are not breathing properly. You would be amazed how many symptoms shallow breathing accounts for!

Out of interest, do you have any allergies? Have you been tested for any allergies? Hayfever, anything like that?

27-08-20, 00:11
There may come a point where you have to decide whether taking meds is worse than not taking them. Why the aversion, anyway?
I read a lot about different meds. For me the side effects are very frightening - like losing your real emotions (I have 2 beautiful little kids, I want to love them with all my heart), brain fog (I work with my brain, I can't afford losing it!), decreased sex life (I also love my husband), suicidal thoughts (I am not a suicidal personality, but one of my cousins committed suicide because of a wrong med...).

27-08-20, 00:16
You had a clear scan when you had the cough? Now the cough is gone? I'm no doctor, but I don't think that cancer coughs go away, cocker.

Yeah, well, this is 2 rounds of LC fear. In 2019 I had a couch for 4 months, that's why the CT scan was taken. It was clear, cough went away, I was happy. 8 months later: no cough, but chest pain for 6 months, x-ray was taken, clear. My guess is a) anxiety b) musculoskeletal (or probably both of them). But I have severe health anxiety - and that means thousands of what-ifs, which are driving me mad.

Out of interest, do you have any allergies? Have you been tested for any allergies? Hayfever, anything like that?

I have minor dust allergies but since I don't cough, I don't find it relevant in the case of chest pain. But who knows...

27-08-20, 00:26
I read a lot about different meds. For me the side effects are very frightening - like losing your real emotions (I have 2 beautiful little kids, I want to love them with all my heart), brain fog (I work with my brain, I can't afford losing it!), decreased sex life (I also love my husband), suicidal thoughts (I am not a suicidal personality, but one of my cousins committed suicide because of a wrong med...).

Look... everyone is different. I don't know if the drug commercials in the UK are like those in the US but here, they start off with wonderful images of people enjoying their lives while suffering from mental or physical issues then, as they're showing all these wonderful images and footage, there a very fast speaking narrator that spews out all the negative effects including things like anal leakage! :scared15: If you listen to them, you'd never take the chance!

I've taken two psych meds in my life. Zoloft for depression for about six months and Buspar for "scanxiety" after my cancer. The Zoloft gave me some dodgy bowels and I had no side effects from Buspar other than feeling a bit tired for a couple of weeks. Heck, the 6 prescription meds I take have some nasty side effects listed. I've had maybe one or two and they weren't that bad :shrug:

I complained to my doctor about the number of meds I take and he said this... "Be thankful you live in a time when a little pill can improve and prolong the quality of your life" It can be done without meds and several here have done it. It takes a strong inner fortitude and continuous effort but if a little pill can give you an advantage, is it worth a try? Ultimately, that's up to you. One way or another, I hope you find relief.

Positive thoughts

27-08-20, 06:50
Yeah, well, this is 2 rounds of LC fear. In 2019 I had a couch for 4 months, that's why the CT scan was taken. It was clear, cough went away, I was happy. 8 months later: no cough, but chest pain for 6 months, x-ray was taken, clear. My guess is a) anxiety b) musculoskeletal (or probably both of them). But I have severe health anxiety - and that means thousands of what-ifs, which are driving me mad.

Most people grossly underestimate what anxiety can do, and how bad it can make you feel.

What are you doing to sort your HA out?

Health anxiety will have you dead and buried - in your head. I planned my own funeral during my HA breakdown - that's how sure I was that I was going to die! Four years later, I'm still here.:yesyes:

I have minor dust allergies but since I don't cough, I don't find it relevant in the case of chest pain. But who knows...

Chest pain has been one of my main symptoms. I have it due to fibromyalgia, but also anxiety, and I can tell the difference between the two. Neither of which is going to kill me..

Can I ask....do you know where the LC fear has come from? Do you know anybody who had it? Somebody close to you perhaps?

27-08-20, 11:33
I read a lot about different meds. For me the side effects are very frightening - like losing your real emotions (I have 2 beautiful little kids, I want to love them with all my heart),

While it is a possibility it rarely occurs with all ADs. Changing to another one will usually resolve it.

brain fog (I work with my brain, I can't afford losing it!),

This is also a common anxiety symptom and is usually only a short-lived initial AD side-effect. Anxiety (also depression) are the emotional expression of atrophy (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC60045/) of the hippocampal regions of the brain. The two hippocampi control memory storage.

decreased sex life (I also love my husband),

There are ways of easing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showpost.php?p=1695131&postcount=7) this should it occur.

suicidal thoughts (I am not a suicidal personality, but one of my cousins committed suicide because of a wrong med...).

Doing nothing may be far more harmful. Anxiety/stress can trigger, or promote the leading causes of premature death, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and suicide.

27-08-20, 11:37
Just to clarify, I take antidepressants and I'm far more capable of loving my family and being productive at my job (which is very much brain-based and involves a mix of IT and working with people) than I was when I was in a state of perpetual anxiety.

Do you honestly think you're functioning as your best self right now? If so, why post here?

27-08-20, 12:31
Just to clarify, I take antidepressants and I'm far more capable of loving my family and being productive at my job (which is very much brain-based and involves a mix of IT and working with people) than I was when I was in a state of perpetual anxiety.

Do you honestly think you're functioning as your best self right now? If so, why post here?

I can definitely second this: both my hobbies and work involve electronics, sometimes dealing with dangerous voltages and at no point has my logical and deductive reasoning ever suffered as a result of taking an SSRI - it's still as sharp as ever.

28-08-20, 02:20
"Be thankful you live in a time when a little pill can improve and prolong the quality of your life" It can be done without meds and several here have done it. It takes a strong inner fortitude and continuous effort but if a little pill can give you an advantage, is it worth a try? Ultimately, that's up to you. One way or another, I hope you find relief.

Thank you very much, your thoughts help me a lot. I hope I'll have the courage to take a step fwd.

28-08-20, 02:28
What are you doing to sort your HA out?

I tried CBT, but didn't work for me. My mind is always stronger than the rational thoughts. Then I went to a psychiatrist who gave me an SSRI perscription but I don't have the courage to take it. So I don't do anything. I drink lemongrass tea...

Can I ask....do you know where the LC fear has come from? Do you know anybody who had it? Somebody close to you perhaps?

It's not just LC, I have all sorts of cancer fears. 3 of my 4 grandparents died from cancer, but I think the main problem is that I am overly sensitive thanks to some unresolved childhood traumas and an accident which happened 3 years ago. I had GAD for years, but HA "saved" me. Now I don't have GAD, but I suffer from constant HA. Such a good life.

28-08-20, 02:30
While it is a possibility it rarely occurs with all ADs.

Thank you! Your words (and the other nice people's words in this forum) help meg a lot. I think about taking (or at least trying) meds.

28-08-20, 02:34
Just to clarify, I take antidepressants and I'm far more capable of loving my family and being productive at my job (which is very much brain-based and involves a mix of IT and working with people) than I was when I was in a state of perpetual anxiety.

Do you honestly think you're functioning as your best self right now? If so, why post here?

No, I don't think I am functioning well right now :-( I have serious conflicts with my husband, he doesn't understand this, he is angry, because beside this terrible HA, we have a beautiful life. And I destroy it. I struggle every single day. I do my job, I do my mom chores, I play with my kids, but I struggle. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, my whole mind and body starts to ache. So no, I don't think I am my best self right now. Your words are reassuring though... I hope I will have the courage and take a step forward. Thank you!

05-10-20, 07:57
I have this at the minute. Mines under my right breast and it’s when I cough in one area fella like a dull ache And sometimes feel it in my back! I’ve not had a chest x ray as doctor believes it’s from nasal congestion 🤷*♀️