View Full Version : Fatigue / high bilirubin

24-08-20, 09:15
Hello everyone,

I had blood tests done on Friday for my ongoing fatigue and just had a call from the GP surgery to say they’re ‘satisfactory’ and I’m booked in with my GP on 8th September for a telephone call.

I’ve had a look and my bilirubin levels are high - 27 when the safe level is 20 - just wondering if anyone else has had this?

Note: I’m not actually feeling overly anxious at the moment, so this hasn’t sent me into a panic (yet anyway) as I know the doctor can’t be concerned. I just wondered if this could be something to do with the fatigue? I am resisting googling as I know it’ll bring up some type of cancer I’m sure 😬

24-08-20, 09:47
Food, strenuous exercise and meds can affect bilirubin levels. The problem with checking out our blood test results is that we often don't understand them and this can lead to needless stress. Seeing as your phone consultation is 8th September, I really wouldn't worry. Your GP certainly doesn't think it's urgent..

24-08-20, 10:34
Thanks Nora - as I said above, I’m feeling okay was just wondering if anyone had had this result 😊

24-08-20, 21:28
Hi, I regularly have high bilirubin, the highest recorded was 49. My last result was 22. I was told By an A&E Dr they are not concerned unless the number was a lot higher. They also check take into account the other LFT.

I was told I probably have Gilbert’s disease. Not sure about that, but I have checked back to 2002 and see my level does fluctuate.

I’m on a high level of Atorvastatin so wouldn’t be surprised if this has some relevance.