View Full Version : My brain feels like mush.

24-08-20, 17:03
I can barely think of a proper sentence, my brain feels like it can do half of what it could do a while back, I feel like absolute shit mentally. I don't know what it is, idk if it is anxiety or whatever, and don't respond to this with a trashy ass response like, it's anxiety blah relax relax, I want some actual advice.

24-08-20, 17:18
What sort of advice if you think we will reply with rubbish ?

24-08-20, 17:25
Here's some advice: don't be so rude to strangers who are giving up their time to try and make you feel better.

24-08-20, 17:27
What sort of advice if you think we will reply with rubbish ?

I don't know, maybe someone has gone through it and could help, or if someone knows what's going on, not someone saying, it's just anxiety, stop being anxious, and then give some cookie cutter response on how to not be anxious which I've seen 30 times before.

24-08-20, 17:28
Here's some advice: don't be so rude to strangers who are giving up their time to try and make you feel better.

yeah, thanks for that.

I can barely even form a thought right now but you ****ing worry about me being rude.

I'm pretty emotional rn, don't mind me, but don't reply with something like that, it just makes me feel like osmeone might've had some kind of answer and it was just that.

24-08-20, 17:47
This is a public forum, and you do not have the right to dictate how people respond to you.

I'm sorry you're feeling awful and I hope it clears for you soon, but you need to know that you're unlikely to get what you're seeking if you start from such a hostile place.

24-08-20, 18:13
This is a public forum, and you do not have the right to dictate how people respond to you.

I'm sorry you're feeling awful and I hope it clears for you soon, but you need to know that you're unlikely to get what you're seeking if you start from such a hostile place.

Yeah I understand

24-08-20, 19:38
This is a public forum, and you do not have the right to dictate how people respond to you.

I'm sorry you're feeling awful and I hope it clears for you soon, but you need to know that you're unlikely to get what you're seeking if you start from such a hostile place.

Well said.

DimDim this is an anxiety forum. So you’re likely only going to get responses suggesting managing anxiety, as brain fog is certainly one of those symptoms. That being said, if you don’t think it’s anxiety, it sounds like it’s time to make a doctor appointment - as we’re not medical professionals.

24-08-20, 23:09
I can barely think of a proper sentence, my brain feels like it can do half of what it could do a while back, I feel like absolute shit mentally. I don't know what it is, idk if it is anxiety or whatever, and don't respond to this with a trashy ass response like, it's anxiety blah relax relax, I want some actual advice.

Here's some advice drop the attitude, we all suffer some kind of mental illness here and if you don't like the responses you get don't ask, they are lovely kind people giving up their time to try and help people, l don't usually get involved but you are simply rude if you don't think its anxiety go see your doctor as we aren't medically trained hows that for advice .

25-08-20, 05:56

25-08-20, 09:02
I can barely think of a proper sentence, my brain feels like it can do half of what it could do a while back, I feel like absolute shit mentally. I don't know what it is, idk if it is anxiety or whatever, and don't respond to this with a trashy ass response like, it's anxiety blah relax relax, I want some actual advice.

Sorry to use the A word on an anxiety forum cocker, but anxiety will make you feel like this.

Here is why it happens..

The stress response involves firing out hormones which suppress the areas of the brain responsible for executive functioning.

It suppresses the hippocampus which is responsible for learning and memory.

The body is basically constantly in stress-mode and so we get what's known as 'brain fog'.


1. Educate yourself on the stress response and the roles (and effects) of stress hormones on the human body.

2. Relaxation: learn to breathe properly if you do nothing else.

3. Play nice. We are all here because we're suffering too.