View Full Version : I don’t have much confidence...

26-08-20, 04:22
I am starting University/College tomorrow and all I can think about is the worries in my life. I keep thinking about if I am physically or mentally able to succeed in my life, I know I am currently going through a big change and it feels very strange.

Something that is killing my confidence is definitely health anxiety. A couple of years ago, doctors were concerned whether or not I had Marfans Syndrome, after many tests every year since, they haven’t found anything wrong (thank god). The only thing I have is some minor skeletal symptoms. However, I’m afraid if someday it gets worse and just feel completely useless that I have a condition.

I have been told multiple times that I’m all fine and that I’m clear to exercise however much I want, but there are still those subconscious negative thoughts that come into my mind that make me feel like I’m unable to do big things because of this.

Anyone here experience this and have any tips?

Thanks so much,
Matt :)