View Full Version : Please help me

26-08-20, 09:53
I have been having non-stop anxiety - in the nights too. I’m so tired. I have been sick yesterday morning and today. I feel unsteady and very ill. I had a paramedic come out last week who checked all my vitals and said it’s unlikely there is anything medically wrong with me. I have also done a urinalysis which has come back fine (although one or two came back with leukocytes - I did about 7).

Basically, I am just so scared I am going to die. Terrified in fact. I feel so bloody unwell. I’m sick of the butterflies in my stomach. I’m petrified.

Please talk me down 😭 I don’t know how much longer I can continue to feel like this.

26-08-20, 10:04
It sounds like anxiety at its highest with panic trying to get a hold of you. I've been the same Mrs Davies and I find listening to Headspace for panic very calming or Jason Stephenson affirmations for anxiety.
You are not alone in the way that you feel.
Just keep telling yourself it is anxiety and it will pass! xx

26-08-20, 10:07
I have been having non-stop anxiety - in the nights too. I’m so tired. I have been sick yesterday morning and today. I feel unsteady and very ill. I had a paramedic come out last week who checked all my vitals and said it’s unlikely there is anything medically wrong with me. I have also done a urinalysis which has come back fine (although one or two came back with leukocytes - I did about 7).

Basically, I am just so scared I am going to die. Terrified in fact. I feel so bloody unwell. I’m sick of the butterflies in my stomach. I’m petrified.

Hey Mrs D...

Firstly, BREATHE.

No, seriously, breathe.

Take a big breath in and then hold it for 4 seconds, then breathe out for about 7 seconds. Empty your lungs of air, then take another deep breath in, and hold, and breathe out. Do this as many times as it takes for you to feel calm, and you will feel calm, because this will signal to your brain that you're not in danger, so there is no need to fire out the stress hormones...

Next, never underestimate how ill anxiety can make you feel.

I sat in my doctors surgery telling him that I was dying. Like your paramedic - he couldn't find one medical reason to suggest that I was. My heart raced, jumped and skipped. I was throwing up in the street. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't speak without retching. I ached. My muscles were painful. I had tingling, numbness and soreness all over my body. My body had so many symptoms, I had to be dying, right? Four years later, I'm here. I'm better. I have a life.

For now, breathe, and inbox me whenever you need to.

Just to add - there is a very handy breathing exercise on the Calm app. It tells you what to do and when.

26-08-20, 10:21
It sounds like anxiety at its highest with panic trying to get a hold of you. I've been the same Mrs Davies and I find listening to Headspace for panic very calming or Jason Stephenson affirmations for anxiety.
You are not alone in the way that you feel.
Just keep telling yourself it is anxiety and it will pass! xx

Thank you for your rational thoughts. I’ve been using the Calm app but it doesn’t always work for me. I’ve never heard of the affirmations - I shall have a look into them!

26-08-20, 10:29
Hey Mrs D...

Firstly, BREATHE.

No, seriously, breathe.

Take a big breath in and then hold it for 4 seconds, then breathe out for about 7 seconds. Empty your lungs of air, then take another deep breath in, and hold, and breathe out. Do this as many times as it takes for you to feel calm, and you will feel calm, because this will signal to your brain that you're not in danger, so there is no need to fire out the stress hormones...

Next, never underestimate how ill anxiety can make you feel.

I sat in my doctors surgery telling him that I was dying. Like your paramedic - he couldn't find one medical reason to suggest that I was. My heart raced, jumped and skipped. I was throwing up in the street. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't speak without retching. I ached. My muscles were painful. I had tingling, numbness and soreness all over my body. My body had so many symptoms, I had to be dying, right? Four years later, I'm here. I'm better. I have a life.

For now, breathe, and inbox me whenever you need to.

Just to add - there is a very handy breathing exercise on the Calm app. It tells you what to do and when.

I’m so sorry you have had to go through all of that - it’s awful but it does resonate with me on a huge level. I struggle to not underestimate anxiety so that’s actually really helpful to read. I just feel so so ill and have all these crazy symptoms that resemble horrific things. My biggest fear is a BT, so my symptoms often resemble that. At the moment I have blurred vision, leg weakness, stiff neck, feeling of unreality, head pressure, feeling sick, feeling like I might forget to walk or talk, horrible butterflies in stomach, Unsteadiness, sense of doom and just fear - horrendous fear.

Thank you for replying - I am glad you are slowly on the mend xx

26-08-20, 10:53
I have all those feelings too Mrs Davies and I know how easy it is to over think those feelings into something more serious. xx

26-08-20, 11:18
I have all those feelings too Mrs Davies and I know how easy it is to over think those feelings into something more serious. xx

They are just so scary 😢 xx

26-08-20, 11:34
They are Mrs Davies. Affirmations will help to calm them and you, give it a try xx

26-08-20, 14:01
They are Mrs Davies. Affirmations will help to calm them and you, give it a try xx

What kind of things do the affirmations say? I’ve just had a shower and now I have a red eye and freaking out. For goodness sake - it is relentless 😢

26-08-20, 16:51
Affirmations say sentences that are calming and rational and you repeat them. They do help.
Don't worry about the red eye, I've had loads of times xx

26-08-20, 17:02
They are just so scary  xx

They are just feelings of fear..Very powerful and overwhelming..but nothing more. The belief that they are "more" will make things worse. You've got better before, Mrs D..This is just a nasty blip but the more frightened you are the worse the symptoms will be perceived..

I tend to mentally tell the symptoms to do their worst because I really don't care anymore. I know that this is not everyone's cup of tea though..

31-08-20, 08:39
I thought I would also reply to your thread because I really feel for you. I too have been so bad I think I’m on the verge of calling a crisis team as not sure where else to go from here. The red eyes thing I had after shower last week only they were so red I genuinely thought this is it! I can’t even speak properly at the moment & think well, if I’m healthy I must be having some kind of breakdown because nothing is working to make me feel better. Hang on in there. I really hope you feel better soon. Anxiety is genuinely a horrible illness x