View Full Version : hello all

25-10-07, 21:26
well hiya everyone :)
iv just joined here. looking forward to meeting you all and getting to know you.
i suffer from anxiety and depression :( im 22, engaged and have a 4 year old girl. im from Ayr in scotland but now live in north wales.

my anxiety is terable in the morning and has been stopping me getting out and some days has even stopped me getting my daughter to school. :( i have the odd panic attack here and there but the past week iv had 2 :ohmy: which isnt good. i seem to have them when im in the car waiting at traffic lights, traffic jam, drive thro, places like that where iv stopped. i hate them and cant stand it. i get so fed up and more depressed. i was in a right state lastnight, i just wanted to die so that it would all be over with.
i keep asking myself 'why me'. why does this happen to me. i just dont understand it, i really don't.
i see a counciler about once a month not that it does much good. it feels like no one really cares about me or getting past all this. don't want to sound too self pittyish there but you know what i mean.

25-10-07, 21:52
Hi Fairycake!!!! :hugs:

Welcome to NMP! You will find lots of great advice and meet some lovely peeps too! :yesyes:

im 22 myself and suffer with anxiety, agoraphobia and depression.
feel free to pm me if u ever want a chat! :hugs:

Laura xxxx:flowers:

25-10-07, 21:54
Hi Fairycake and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

25-10-07, 21:57
Hi Fairycake!!!! :hugs:

Welcome to NMP! You will find lots of great advice and meet some lovely peeps too! :yesyes:

im 22 myself and suffer with anxiety, agoraphobia and depression.
feel free to pm me if u ever want a chat! :hugs:

Laura xxxx:flowers:

Hiya Laura :)

nice to meet you! thanks for the offer of PM's.

25-10-07, 21:58
Hi Fairycake and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

hello Mike :)

great to meet you, and thanks for welcoming me :)

25-10-07, 22:01
Hi fairycake

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


25-10-07, 22:19
Hi fairycake

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


hiya Andrea :)

thanks for the welcome and nice to meet you too!

25-10-07, 23:48
Hello Fairycake,

Welcome abroad. Hope that you enjoy your stay. Theres lots of great people here and loads of great advice.

Hope to see you around. Stop into chat an meet us.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

26-10-07, 00:05
Hi Fairycake,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and will give you support.



26-10-07, 02:48
Hi Fairycake (love the name)

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxx

26-10-07, 14:04
Hello Fairycake And Welcome To The Site........linda

26-10-07, 14:29
Hello Fairycake,

Welcome abroad. Hope that you enjoy your stay. Theres lots of great people here and loads of great advice.

Hope to see you around. Stop into chat an meet us.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

hello Believe :) nice to meet you. i will come into hat once iv found my way round here a bit better :D

26-10-07, 14:37
Hi Fairycake,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who feel exactly like you do and will give you support.



hiya Laura and thanks for welcoming me to the forum :)

26-10-07, 14:39
Hi Fairycake (love the name)

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxxx
hiya Trac and thanks :)

26-10-07, 14:40
Hello Fairycake And Welcome To The Site........linda

hiya Linda and thanks :)

26-10-07, 23:16
Hi fairycake

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

29-10-07, 20:46
Hi fairycake

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

hiya, thanks for the welcome :)