View Full Version : Re: New to this site and need some advice :(

loopy loo
25-10-07, 21:36
I am new to the whole message board thing, so please forgive me if this doesn't quite go as it should! I have read with great interest of all the various dizzy symptoms and thought i would let you know that i have suffered all of the various forms of dizzinness you all describe here at some point or another.
I have suffered with anxiety problems for about 30 years now, and dizzinness still scares me the most!
I have a couple of ideas that i have used via a psychologist which may help some people.
Firstly, try spinning yourself a few times and learn to cope with the sensation of being dizzy or off balance. Take it slowly, just do as many spins as you dare, and know that if you practice this regularly you will be amazed at how many spins you will increase it by in a short space of time. It took me weeks to even pluck up the courage to try but it did really help.
Also , a doctor told me that if you have a dizzy spell and are not sure if it is because of your ears, just to cover one eye over with your hand...left i believe, and if you feel your right eye moving quickly trying to focus, then it is probably an ear problem. Most inner ear problems will resole by themselves within a couple of months at the most.
I hope this helps.
I am suffering with constant palpitations at the moment which take the form of "missed heartbeats". Also i am hyperventilating because they scare me so much. I read on this site that i could pass out because of this and after taking heart all this time that panic can not cause fainting, i am now very scared about that possibilty. Can anyone help me here?
Loopy Loo:ohmy:

25-10-07, 22:00
Hi Loopy Loo and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I've moved your post into a separate thread as you replied to an old one. I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

Mike :)

25-10-07, 23:42
Hello Loopy Loo,

Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy your stay. There lots of great people here with lots of advice.

Where did you see the bit about passing out. I have always been told that panic and anxiety will not make you pass out.But if you are hyperventilating I could see that could be possible.This has never happened to me.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

25-10-07, 23:42
hi loopy am new here to but everyone is great and offer so much support, i feel dizzy most of the time which scares the living poo out of me, i have only been using this site for about 3 weeks but am learning that when i am dizzy nothing will happen you gotta learn to ride with it, ill certainly try what you said cos anything is better than feeling like this, hope we can be of support to each other and evryone else be strong we gonna be ok

take care

Emma xxx

26-10-07, 00:08
Hi Loopy Loo,

I can only speak for myself but I have never fainted from a panic attack. It will be interesting to see what others say.



26-10-07, 00:42
Hello And Welcome Loopy Loo To The Site..........linda

26-10-07, 02:00

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

loopy loo
26-10-07, 17:07
I'm really not sure i am doing this right, sorry if i'm posting to wrong place, bjut i can't fathom it out to be any other way!! Help!!
Just to say to Emma, that i saw the thing about passing out during hyperventilation on the "symptoms" part of this site. That's a bit i wish i hadn't read!
Have just been for a flu jab, and they told me to hang around the store for 10 mins as i could faint!!! Jesus! Didn't know whether to run and hide or lay on the floor just in case!! Lol!!!
I would like to say thanks to everyone for there kind welcolming words. I won't ramble as i'm probably doing this wrong. If i am, will someone direct me to the way this is done??? Thanks,
Loopy loo. :shrug:

26-10-07, 23:15

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.