View Full Version : Nasal Voice/Hypernasality

29-08-20, 20:25
Hey everyone,

Hope you are all well. Unfortunately, my problems have only gotten worse. It started with a swallowing issue that happened twice and went away but then I started feeling liquid regurgitating into my nose and now my voice has been affected. When I talk I make a slight snort (involuntary). I even did some hypernasality tests online and sure enough I have it. My nose makes lots of noise when I’m talking and it shouldn’t. I do have sinus drainage right now and allergies but according to google these issues don’t cause air to go into your nose and thus hupernasality. There are veryyyy few things that cause it and those include: neurological disorders, cleft palates (which I don’t have). Adult onset hypernasality is incredibly rare and I can’t find a thing about it online. It does happen in ppl with brain tumours and ALS though. I am absolutely in despair but holding it together. I am 32 with two beautiful little kids.

I have a phone appointment with my doctor on Monday. I am sure I will be referred to a neuro or an ENT. I am just very very scared and don’t know what to do. What is more scary is that usually when I google disorders there are several explanations and I dwell on the worst case scenario. In this case, the worst case scenario is the ONLY scenario. Please please any experiences or advice are welcome. I am beyond myself right now

29-08-20, 20:44
I feel bad for you Katniss :( You've been in quite a spiral lately. Perhaps when you speak with your doctor, talk about getting help with your anxiety. Like you said, you're 32 with beautiful little kids. Do it for them as well as yourself.

Positive thoughts

29-08-20, 22:26
Thank you for always replying. I know. I feel bad for myself too. I can never tell if things are actually to be worried about or if I should just ignore them and assume it’s anxiety.

29-08-20, 22:59
Well... lets put it this way.... When you go to such extremes as staring at windows in the dark, shining a light in your mouth and saying words while holding your nose, what do you think? ;)

Positive thoughts

31-08-20, 20:11
Just an update. I ended up going to my doc. She said it’s just sinus congestion and that my nose was a bit inflamed. I told her my symptoms and she didn’t seem to think much of it. Also said my soft palate was ok

31-08-20, 22:28
Just an update. I ended up going to my doc. She said it’s just sinus congestion and that my nose was a bit inflamed. I told her my symptoms and she didn’t seem to think much of it. Also said my soft palate was ok

I like your doc ;) Did you discuss your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

31-08-20, 23:46
Hi sorry if I am intruding. Als is one of my greatest fears and after reading your post I also checked by saying chocolate and chips. With my nostrils pinched it definitely sounded nasal. I am panicking! Is this really a test for possible Als?

01-09-20, 00:33
Minion, no it’s not. I’m so sorry. I have edited it to remove that part. Everyone sounds nasally when they say that. This is exactly why you shouldn’t google, lol. I also don’t want to spread paranoia so I feel super guilty about freaking you out.

I have a question though. Whenever you guys have a cold does your nose pop and make snorty noises while talking? I don’t know if my doc even understood what I mean. My nose snorts when I’m talking sometimes. It’s soooo weird!!