View Full Version : Sleeping tabs

25-10-07, 22:38
My doctor gave me them. I take one and sleep till about 2pm. Day is night and night is day. I'm in a rut and dont know how to get out of it, I feel I cant be normal and do normal things. My only family is my brother and he doesnt understand, he thinks I'm mental and he's distancing himself from me. I was doing ok and then it all went wrong again :weep:

26-10-07, 09:47
Are you on any other medication for anxiety ,also when I was anxious sleeping tabs didn't work. I am sorry your brother is not very supportive you are not mental just going through a bad time. Have you tried relaxation and deep breathing this can help at bedtime, are you having any sort of counselling if not it may good to have a chat to you doc about this. Keep going you will get through this.
XXlove Lesleyb:hugs:

26-10-07, 13:15
Hi Kitty,

Sorry to hear your brother is not supportive,

Hun, I think you need to go back to your gp to talk about the tabs. What time do you take the med? what time do you go to bed? how long are you sleeping for?, do you sleep right through? I know this sounds like alot of questions, but I'm trying to see a patten, do you know what I mean?

It sounds like to me your body clock is all over the place, do you set your alarm clock to get you up in the mornings?, its importent to get a routine going with our sleep patten, to much sleep can make us feel Yuk, and not enough can make us feel that way too. Finding the right balance is dame hard, we are all different.

I know for me before I suffered pa's, high anxiety I was having far to much sleep, ohhh I could fall asleep on a washing line, hay, my mums words not mine, but I know for me this was part of my problem, far to much sleep and not enough motervation.

I know its dame hard for you right now and my heart goes out to you, but remember hun, this is a short tearm problem, chat to your gp, try dame hard to give your sleep patten a routine, eg, going to bed same time, setting alarm clock to get you up, try hard to find out just how much sleep your body needs, they do say that we need at least, mmm, 6 to 8 hours a night, but as I said, we are all different.

I do hope you are feeling better soon



26-10-07, 14:57
My doctor gave me them. I take one and sleep till about 2pm. Day is night and night is day. I'm in a rut and dont know how to get out of it, I feel I cant be normal and do normal things. My only family is my brother and he doesnt understand, he thinks I'm mental and he's distancing himself from me. I was doing ok and then it all went wrong again :weep:

I'm really amazed that a GP would even consider prescribing sleeping pills in this enlighted age. Which med did he prescribe for you? If it's a benzo then I would seriously consider not taking it as they will only help short term and not address the real issues.

You would probably be better off asking your GP to refer you to someone who can offer you proper help like anti anxiety medication or therapy.

Jill is very right when she says about getting your body clock right again. There is lots of info online about how to sleep better and I really don't think taking sleeping pills is the answer at all.

Take care :hugs:

27-10-07, 20:52
Thanks all, he only gave me 14 but they are great.

I normally sleep from midnight until 2pm, up a couple of times to feed the cat and let him out but thats it.

I'm going to try and get up early on Monday and stake awake if I can.

I need to sort my life out, its just hard when your by yourself I guess.

27-10-07, 23:40
Hi Kitty :hugs:

Its good to hear the gp only gave you this med in short tearm, these meds are nooo good in long tearm, the brain forgets how to get to sleep on its own. If you have read through some of the treads on this site, it will say, we are being programmed all day every day, by using meds like this, your not using your own progamming, do you know what I mean?

Alabasterlyn, is right, taking anxiety meds may help more, but I allso think you need to address the resons why you can't sleep, if you can't find the answers for yourself, this is where therapy comes in, it helps us find the answers for ourselves.

I feel, you can say if you think I'm wrong, but you are getting far to much sleep. I know for me, if I did not set my alarm clock there may be a day when I would stay in bed alot longer, but I know from my past, I cannot do this, all the time, it does NOT help me in the long run. I can have what I call a lay in, maybe stay in bed till about 9.30, but anything longer than that and I start to feel yuk.

I have also found, that if I stay up to late, just say midnight and do this for a week and still get up about 7.30 every morning ohh boy, I can suffer, so now I have to go to bed at least 4 times a week at about 10, half 10.

Even holidays, ohh you know what holidays are like, your up till all hours, I have to have naps during the day, hehe, me don't mind napping by the pool :shades: :yesyes:

As I said, its dame hard finding the right balance for YOU, it takes alot of hard work on your part.

**I need to sort my life out, its just hard when your by yourself I guess.**

You know you need to do something, but what that something is only YOU know, we don't know what your life is like on a day to day bases, you have to work out just what it is that needs sorting, we are hear to help and support you as much as we can.:hugs:

You say its hard living on your own, :hugs: hun, what is it you find hard? I do know that when we live with other people sometimes it is them that motivate us to move forward. What sort of motavation do you have, eg, do you give yourself something to look forward too, do you set yourself small goals? do you have someone close you can talk to, to help and support you?

Why not look into support groups in your area, is there any?

Always remember Kitty, this is NOT forever, with the right help, support and time you CAN get better.

You take care :hugs: :flowers: