View Full Version : Nausa - how is your symptoms

26-10-07, 02:22
When I feel sick to my stomach, my hands sweat and my tongue goes prickly. I then panick and feel tingly all over. Of course I think stroke or heart problems. Feeling sick is one thing but the tongue things scares me.
Does anyone feel this way?


26-10-07, 10:04

Hi TT,

I dont have the tingling and prickly tongue but I can sympathise with you because when I was working I was physically sick most mornings because of anxiety! Is it possible you are eating anyhting that you might be allergic to? I get a tickly throat when I eat bananas. It might be worth keeping a food diary and a note of when you get these symptoms.

TC xxxxxxx:flowers:

10-11-07, 22:46
Hi TT,

Nausea, sweating and tingling are classic symptoms of a panic/anxiety. When your anxiety level rises, you get an adrenaline boost which slows down your digestion. This leads to nausea but it rarely means you'll be sick.

The tingling hands, face etc. usually comes from hyperventilation. You could try to get rid of the hyperventiation by breating in a certain way. Take 7 seconds to inhale, and 11 seconds to exhale. Keeping this rhythm for 5 minutes should help. Breathing in a paper bag isn't recommended.

12-11-07, 17:53
whenever I am nausous I get some of the worst feelings along with the nausea. I get clamy, and sweaty... and jsut very light headed. I am always sure I will pass out. I also get the tingly sensation as well... It is just SO uncomfortable. I think the nausea causes us to panic, and the rest are totally symptoms of anxiety. Try sipping cold water... that sometimes helps me.